Thank you Jesus It’s Friday!!!!!!!! ***edit**

I don’t know why but that’s how I’ve been feeling. Now had this been memorial Day Weekend I’d be even happier lol.

My days have been messed up lately. Yesterday I thought it was Friday the day before that I thought it was Thursday so in  nutshell this feels like the week that would never end lol. Especially on top of some work drama but who wants to talk about that? Not me I know.

This morning I came to work late to balance out my hours because I ended up working over Wednesday and Thursday and not taking a  lunch and my job is really tryin to cut down on overtime. I stayed up late watching the Break up and Analyze this last night and I am paying for it now. I forgot how GOOD those movies were. BTW I LOVE Robert Deniro and Vince Vaughn they are great actors.

I got up this morning and couldn’t move. started fussing at the alarm clock which seemed to tickle DH silly. He was laughing at me this morning.  then I got up long enough to laydown on the couch and yell at the kids to get up and fall asleep watching the news. THen drag myself to the back in my room pick something out. Put it on and lay back down lol. Kids always get themselves breakfast and get dressed I check to make sure they look alright and that little Quincy brushes his teeth and washes his face (boys are soooo lazy).

After all that was done I sent an email in to work to tell everyone I’d be late and laid back down. I swear I closed my eyes for 15 minutes but when I woke up it was 2 hours later lol.  I rushed and got my shoes on and brushed my teeth put on my face and put in my eyes (contacts) and got my stuff and left out. I get here today and i forget the office is taking somebody out to eat for lunch so we’ll all be leaving in about 25 minutes to take someone to lunch. How cool is that?!?!?!


OKay I guess I’ll pretend to be productive today for the next 25 minutes……..






I’ve just gotten back from lunch and something is seriously wrong. I’m still unusually tired. I feel lightheaded. I was drinkning Coffee and about to fall asleep. This is kinda scary yall. Please keep me lifted. I felt like I was going to faint from being so tired coming up the stairs to my floor level to get to my office. Normally I can shake that sleepy feeling atleast when I get some coffee in my system but I feel funny right now and really tired. I’ve been praying but I wanted yall to please keep me lifted in prayer too. 




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May 18, 2007

I know right? lol. THat’s how it was for me yesterday. I moved my doctors appointment up, but then realized I had an errand to run with B, and get breakfast. I got back and I only had 20 minutes left before I was suppose to leave lol. Have a great weekend girl!

May 18, 2007

Must be nice to be at work late. The people here are so picky with the time! Have a good weekend!

Nothing like getting to work just to get to leave again for a free lunch! Gave a great weekend. Try to get some relaxation in.

May 18, 2007

RYN: I need to take that big step and go for my GED I am just so intimitated. Yes I’m hispanic, but its weird I tend to not really get along with hispanic women. I dont know, I’m more into Rock/Alternative Chiristian music and they are more into spanish, hip hop music. I’m just different. Its rare with the one that I do get along.Its just my lifestyle I am trying to live the way God wants me.

May 18, 2007

hope your weekend goes well

I hope you are okay. I hate when people say they feel “funny”. It always sounds scary. I said a little prayer for you before I typed this message.

May 18, 2007

praying for you!

May 18, 2007

I will definitely pray for you. You sound like me when I am fatigued. I pray that’s all it is. Go home and get some REAL rest – sleeping straight for 8-10 hours and see how you feel. Eating probably just made you even more tired.