TGIF Procrastinate no more…….

Doneta has a tendency to put things off, Doneta procrastinates. She sometimes pretends to be busy, so she will not have to do whatever she is putting off. She is often late to appointments or deadlines. This usually leads to a great amount of effort at the last minute to meet the deadline. Procrastination is an important factor as it relates to her output on the job or at school. Remember, Doneta will put it off until later. Procrastination is easily overcome through a simple stroke adjustment in the handwriting. 


So this has really been sticking out to me lately. And I feel within my spirit and within my natural common sense that this needs to be abolished ASAP. I can’t live like this anymore. I’m tired of being stressed out and taking on too many responsibilities. So I am going through the mental process of breaking some things off and being proactive in most situations. The above analysis is a hurtful truth that needs to be conquered and I know that the bible states that I can do all things through Jesus Whom Strengthens me right? Well Jesus I need some strength to make it through this change in my life.

I’m taking this metamorphasis (sp) one day at a time.

So this was tomorrow’s schedule:

5am-9am Work through inventory to get an idea of what we have in the 2 trailers and what we’re going to do with it . I have to come in on a Saturday to avoid having people running up to me asking me to fix this or fix that or the infamous ‘I have  a question

9am-4pm – Kids track meet. Which I just recently found out starts at 8:00Am

4Pm-8PM – Studio time meeting with studio engineers discussing and possibly cleaning up the music and laying some tracks down

5Pm – Hubby reveals to me that he has a surprise for me on Mothers day and he had reservations made for it and this the only time that I can be there or he’d have to cancel. (although it’s a surprise I know what it is because of the way that he is putting it plus I’ve been asking him for this present for 2 years lol)

9pm- on prepare myself for Church tomorrow…….. Intercessory prayer starts at 7:30-8:30AM on Sunday so I like to be in the house maxing and relaxing by atleast 8-9pm on Saturday evenings. I take this very seriously it is my ministry.


So looking at this action packed schedule I made the decision to cut out the studio time. I will have to meet with the girls and lay my vocals down at the next session,  I’ve already discussed this with them. One of the girls was a little upset but she’ll get over it. She doesn’t have a choice but to lol.

My next cut in schedule will be the childrens ministry. It’s time to step down. On thursday nights we have JBQ practice which is Junior Bible Quiz. The children from our church visit other churches in tournaments and they have these competitions on Bible Trivia it is absolutely amazing how much these kids know. They can quote more bible than I can! Our children have been a part of it for almost 3 years. Only problem is that there is no local tournaments and we always have to drive out 25-45 minutes to get to these churches. We are thinking of incorporating it in our local area and we’ve recruited some churches to do it too so that’s underway but in my over all schedule it’s too much for me right now especially with this new work schedule so I need to step down.

I will also be retiring from the Vacation Bible School. I have NO idea how this came about but I have been made a coordinator over this venue. I never asked to be a coordinator and somehow I get this position every year . It turns out fine but as the analysis says I get overly stressed because I’ll get thrown into the project and avoid it for as long as I can then I dive into it full steam after being stress and overwhelmed and it turns out really good but I can’t handle that and the kids in extracurricular activities.  So I’ll be stepping down. That one might be a little hard for my Pastors but they will have to accept it. I have too much on my plate.

So those are my current to do’s.

One of my reasons for stepping down from these ministries is because I don’t want to be so caught up in this stuff that my family begins to feel left behind as I’m always on the run and I can never give my full attention to the kids. I know many many kids that came up in churches that were raised like this and my Husband and I have made a promise to not do that to them. We are not going to be living FOR our kids either but we want to have a healthy balance between ministry and home.  There have been adults in my church that were raised in church that never got a chance to play an organized sport because their parents didn’t want to take them and some of the younger parents now that HAVE their kids in sports or dance, or playing a musical instrument cannot take the time to come to things that they have because they are on so many committees at church and all these functions are going on. I don’t attend a mega church so the staff that we work with isn’t big enough for us to rotate the services so it’s one or two people are always bogged down trying to be at every service to make up the leadership team.


Don’t get me wrong I still love Jesus and I still Love my Church, and I loves me some of My pastors but I have to have balance and in this change that I see going on in me I just haveta do what I haveta do.

Now to get past this putting stuff off to the last minute…………


i think I might need to get back to working now lol!


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Good luck working on your balance! It’s hard to cut things out but you’ll work through it. Have fun tomorrow at your “Surprise”!

May 11, 2007

I’m glad that you’re getting a handle on this right now. How very wise of you :~) RYN: Yeah, wow. That’s all I can say now too.

Wow, now thats a busy schedule. Pace yourself and good luck.

May 13, 2007

hey lady how’s the balancing of your schedule going?