Super Sweet Tuesday for Ohioans and Texans


I beg of you please DO NOT go to the polls voting for Barack O’Bama JUST CAUSE HE’s BLACK

and Hilary Rodham-Clinton JUST CAUSE SHE’s A WOMAN.

Know their stance on the issues. Okay I know that if you as an internet surfer, blogger,  or whatever have been on the internet long enough you would know that their are TONS of ways to find out the candidates views on certain topics. Google them if you must but please know why your voting for whom you choose to vote for.   

I support my candidates because of their position on healthcare, education,  and bringing our boys home,  and Morality in this country. I also support my candidates for the amount of influence that they have on Congress,  house representatives,  and the senate because in the end THOSE are the powers that be that will make things happen or not. I’ve stated before and will continue to state that the President is no more than a glorified puppet. THey have a great influence but on the matters that REALLY make a difference it is our White house Reps that get the ball rolling.

Today on my lunch I will go out and vote but I am torn… between Barack Obama and Mike Huckabee. They both say somethings that really have my attention and things that I want to see change in the US of A.

Texans and Ohioans please make sure that you go out and make your voice heard in government!!

If you~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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i havent even been keepin up with this, hope the best one for the job wins. man or woman, black or white lol

March 4, 2008
March 4, 2008

“I beg of you please DO NOT go to the polls voting for Barack O’Bama JUST CAUSE HE’s BLACK and Hilary Rodham-Clinton JUST CAUSE SHE’s A WOMAN.” Oh man woman. AMEN A-M-E-N Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamen!!!! Preach it!

March 4, 2008

You are definately right that its the reps that make the biggest difference. What I really dislike is when the senators vote “present” instead of voting for real. Isn’t that why we elected them. They all do it too especially in an election year.

other than anti-Hillary, it’s a really tough decision this time.

March 6, 2008

Hey, thanks for your visit and comments in Terminator For me to vote for the lesser of evils is the same as voting for evil. I don’t know what I am going to do.