Still Standing

Today I’m here and victorious in Jesus as always. Yesterdays service confirmed everything that God has told me over the past week and for that I am sooooo thankful. I’ve been applying everywhere. I can’t start working elsewhere until the place closes down on  Jan. 29th thought to be elgible for my severance package. Too bad cause I already have some offers that I’ve had to turn down but such is life.


There was actually one job that I applied for that is 2 hours away from my home. Crazy I know right? But I began to really think about it. What is really holding us back from moving? Maybe that is why God has not allowed us to purchase a house here yet. Who knows? Whereever we go it would still have to be accessible for Quincy to get to work but he works pretty far up north anyways. I dunno. I’m just in awe of God and watching him do his thang lol.


Spiritually I”m rocking and rolling. I need to catch up naturally. Today my body is soooooo exhausted. I barely made it to work this morning. It took me like an hour just to get out of bed and today I feel like I have concrete in the bottom of my shoes lol. Oh well. This ole flesh is gonna have to get with the program cause I am not allowing my physical body to alter my spiritual joy right now. Today was the deciding day for everyone to turn in their job offers and the stress levels around here is so thick you could cut it with a butter knife. But I’m fine. I made my decision Friday and I’m sticking to it. I will not be going to the new company. There are ppl around here that are literally dreading the decision that they are making to go to this new company. Oh well. I did what God told me to do. And greater works than these shall he do in me. I’m really excited as to how this is all going to come about but I’m ready.

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Good luck!

Blessings to you. Pray for me as I begin to move into making decisions regarding a new job. Also, I would like your advice/guidance as I prepare for marriage. What should I know… Smooches…

December 18, 2006


December 18, 2006

Goodluck hon, although I know you don’t need it ;~)

December 18, 2006

Can I just say I love your confidence. I pray you are continually blessed in your new endeavors!!

December 19, 2006

Glad you’ve made your decision. Indecision could wear us down. RYN: You don’t need to be on OD plus to be able to post video from You Tube. I’ll paste below the instruction my friend taught me. Even then, it was my daughter who helped me a lot and I have not tried it on my own yet.

December 19, 2006

INSTRUCTIONS:- what I usally do is open up two browsers…it makes it easier for me. In the first browser I have my page up like I’m getting ready to write an entry in my diary. In the scenond browser I have You Tube up with the video I want. Write what you want in your entry and then decide where you want your video. On the You Tube page next to the video you want there should be a couple of tags.. Copy the one that says “embed”…then go back to your entry…click the “source” button on your tool bar…paste the “embed” tag in your entry…then click the “source” button again. After this you should be able to see the video in your entry.

December 19, 2006

Just for your note: I had to use my dove2494 which is OD Plus so that I could live longer notes in one go. Good luck!!


Just pray on it. God gives the answers we just have to listen. Best of luck to you and thank you for the cyber hug. I needed it.

Merry Christmas sis!