Starting of the Pastoral Anniversary *e*

Administration Hell started too days ago and guess who was put on THAT committee? That’s why I’ve been so random in here lol. Creating programs for the 4 day pastoral anniversary has been in a nutshell a nightmare. I have a greeting card software that formulates the programs pretty well with some very annoying kinks inbetween. Nevertheless I trucked on gettting the programs ready. WE get together to collaborate and EVERYONE is sooooo not satisfied including the pastors. There are minute details that need top be fixed as in font,  size. Trying to condense a 2 page TYPED bio to fit on one half of a card is a headache. So today I find out they want top reformat the WHOLE thing to Word?!?! Fine by me They can do it. I’m not doing anything else. As a matter of fact I never asked to be put on any committee. So why am I there???? My latest quote is ‘i quit church’ lol. I don’t quit Jesus but I quit church lol. I’m tired of getting sucked into program committees. I had to tell someone LAST week to take me OFF of their program because I am NOT participating. I don’t have TIME for this. I am trying to move. I think I need to make an annoucement that I am taking a sabbatical and to not include me in any programs.

Heck I might even take a sunday off. I dunno. The first program starts tonight and guess who was chosen to be the fricking MC?!?! Yeah you guessed it… me. I don’t want to become the nasty sister Nikki always going off on people but I see I’m gonna have to pray about how I come to this committee head about putting me on the programs cause she smiles and waves it off like I’m not serious. I’d hate to bring the old me back out but I will do so if I’m not taken seriously.  

I tried a rollerset in my hair last night and it looks atrocious. I look like I have a curly frizzy afro. Darn natural hair! It shrinks so no one knows the length, yet when I straighten it it only stays straight a total of 2 hours granted I don’t work up a sweat then it’s frizzville. But I cannot bare to perm it. I love how healthy my hair is and relaxers really messed my hair up. Overprocessing it trying to put perms in on my own back in the day killed my hair and I don’t have money to be going to the hairdresser every 2 weeks sorry. Then i’d just end up cutting 6 years worth of growth to have a cute style then turn around and put weave back into it to make it ‘look’ long. I just don’t have patience for all of that. I have a really bad scalp problem called dermatitis so I can’t really wear cornrows or braids on my scalp  because my scalp flakes up so bad I’d only be able to wear a braided style a couple of days.

I can’t win for losing. Okay this entry is depressing…. it wasn’t supposed to be depressing. I’ll just quit while I’m ahead lol.


 Oh yeah what’s up with the shortest fall ever hunh? I’m a little upset it has started snowing so soon. I feel like I’ve just MISSED fall! It’s my favorite season and I couldn’t even enjoy it.

And I have picked up an agonizing pain in my left knee when walking up and down stairs what’s that all about?!?! I mean it REALLY hurts lately. I think it may be due to weight gain? I dunno. I hate how painful it is though.

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


‘I grew up penecostal and I now attend an apostolic church, but I have long ago taken off the denominational boundaries. I’m sick of religion and tradition. I’m more concerned about relationship with God through Jesus Christ.’



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Haven’t you said no before and then ended up participating. Maybe that is why they don’t take you seriously. You can be firm without being bitchy. LOL, well, I’m sure it’s possible. I have psoriasis (sp?) on my scalp. It’s not my whole head…just a little on my right side and sometimes I get it behind my ear. I hate it. I have a great ointment for behind my ear so I rarely get it there but my head is a different problem. I can’t put that ointment in my hair. My dr just says “be happy you don’t have it on your face and it’s where no one can see it”. But man, it itches sometimes.

December 6, 2007

I like the ‘I quit church’ quote. As you know, I’ve used it plenty of times before…. I know all about program hell. It’ll be over soon… hang in there!

December 6, 2007

One can do it politically correct 🙂 Simply saying, “I didn’t sign up for it. I don’t have time for it. I’ve prayed about it and the answer is no. Find someone else”. Otherwise people just keep assuming “you” should so such and such. Drives me batty. You feel almost manipulated to do it. The Body of Christ is to “work” together not pile all the work on 20% of it’s individuals, right? I had people for the longest time trying to get me to step up to do the Youth Pastor thing when they were looking. (B/c I had been one before) Nu-uh. God said no. I was healing from the last two churches, I wasn’t about to jump full throttle into this one. Yet people just assumed I should do it. Eventually they stopped. Takes some time and patience, but they will get it eventually. Be firm 🙂 I know you for absolute sure you have a mighty back bone to do that! 😀 (Besides you moving is a perfect “excuse” right now to!)

I say quit. If you are not doing it with joy and true volunteerism, then quit. Being overworked in the church can become a distraction. People who are always about “church business” but their personal lives are neglected. I only did one committee and one study group at church. That’s it! Set boundaries, even in the Lord’s house. As far as your hair, there are products for heat resistance and breakage you can use. However, natural hair grows faster because it is not being “stressed.” So, wear it straight for a week and then give it a break. Nevertheless, maintenance is a MONSTER! Smooches…

You know, I have a couple Christian counselor friends and They told me that Churches invite them to do marriage seminars and they tell them before I let you know if I will or not here is what I will tell married couples, free up your schedules more and spend more time with your families. That includes church volunteering. That’s what they tell them. You need to draw boundries.

I missed the fall too studying for the test I failed was it worth it? It was disappointing. Take time to smell the roses and make sure your taking care of your health or it will only get worse.

December 10, 2007

snow sheesh it’s freeking warm here in Nashville, like a cool summer day, I’m scared that if it’s this warm in December that Jan. Feb. and Mar. are going to be horrible. L.