Soliciting prayers for obedience

Okay you guys that know how to pray I solicit your prayers for my mentoring my cousin. I view the teaching and molding of souls to be a very delicate and critical thing and I don’t want to do anything in disobedience so I ask that you all pray that as I open up my heart and she opens up hers to me that the bond will be spiritual and that we both grow from this.

God has already given me a topic to work on with her but,  I think tonight’s meeting will be a getting to know you meeting so that I can get a feel for exactly what she needs help with. It’s ashame I’m a sunday school teacher and I help tons of people but this just seems so personal intimate and scary to me lol. Nevertheless I’m excited to be working with her.

It’s ‘discipleship’ as y buddy termi would call it.

Thanks in advance.

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~

Proverbs 25:28



There are so many people searching for truth, searching to find God and understand. Unfortunately, most of them want to know how to find peace while living in sin. They don’t want to give up their lifestyle(repentance). They want to feel good about themselves and convince themselves that God is happy with them the way they are. The "new age" preachers have come up with a formula — simply redefine God. As if we are here to just hang out and do what pleases us.


This is a time of separating the wheat from the chaff. Everyone will have to take a stand on one side or the other. It’s all a part of the process of the Second Coming. I pray that Christians everywhere will not fall prey to these deceiving doctrines. ~ Starting Over (od member)



~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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June 24, 2008

Thought you stepped back from Sunday School? You’ve got my prayers 🙂

sure, and your thought over it just shows you are taking it seriously. : )

You will be fine, just let the Spirit lead you. Smooches…

June 25, 2008

I pray that the Holy Spirit will move ahead and touch your cousin and to guide/take control of everything during the meeting.

June 25, 2008
June 26, 2008

RYN: I’m off that weekend! YAY!!!!!

July 7, 2008

What you’re doing is so rewarding and fulfilling. Most of all, it’s what our Lord commanded. go make disciples. I loved your exhortation on your next entry concerning worship. Right to the point.