So tired




Oy Vey

So I’ve gotten back into working out at least 1-2 times per week. I work out with a fitness boot camp group on Mondays Since the 3rd of January. This week coming up is my last week. It was a combination of pilates, weights and cardio. Very good workout. But it was only once a week and depending on my schedule I wasn’t doing much else the rest of the week. Well my walk/run group has started back up so last night I went out for a walk with them. Jeezle Peete! WHAT a workout. We did 3 fast miles and I thought I would fall out! LOL I’m used to rnning anyways but I haven’t run since August so….

I think the walking was more of a workout honestly lol. I may do the walking until I drop a certain amount of weight then go back to running. I like running a whole lot more than the walking though because it’s so much easier. you have to work it when you do the walking sheesh. It was a good workout though. I was completely spent after the workout and tired. Took the kids out to eat because it was my son’s birthday and felt like going to sleep in my plate LOL!

It was so hard to wake up this morning shoot I’m still trying to get in the swing of things around here. Maybe I’m a glutton for punishment but I’m looking for a local walk/run group that will get up Saturdays and since boot camp is ending I may look for a Monday or Tuesday run group. Our local Fleet feet sports has a group. I am thinking about trying to do a couple of races this year as opposed to the One 5K that I did last year. I really want to look forward to doing and training for it. My dad has COPD (lung disease, and diabetes) my grandfather has Alzhiemer’s as well so I am wanting to raise awareness for them but I want to make sure I am challenging myself as well. There is honestly nothing like the energy that I’ve experienced at the races and I would really like to get into that. I’ve sacrificed my own health and life running around and being super mom it’s time for me to invest in me. I know my family supports me so I think it will be good.

Until then I will ice my aching body down and try to get as much sleep as I can LOL.




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February 19, 2011

We need to pay attention to our body’s needs, too. All the best, sis.