So much has happened

 Yet I haven’t had a chance to write. I promise to update soon.

Work has been busy, busy, busy. This is my first time getting to breathe in almost a week.

Taking DH to work in the morning causes me to get to work 1 hr early then the busyness of the calls causes me to get off around 6:30 get home at 7 then I can’t go to the gym. So the gym has pretty much been out for 2 wks. It Sucks! And I’m scared to get on the scales. I can feel the weight coming back. When I get home I’m pooped and I do nothing but make dinner and go to bed.I’m not complaining believe me I really am not but that;s what’s going on right now.

I made an appt. w/ my doctor because at lunch today I felt like I would faint. I mean like my head hurts. And I get winded VERY easily. Like walking from the house to my car I’m huffing and puffing. and I get this anxious feeling so much it drives me nuts! And I stepped down on my leg and pain shot up through my leg. I think I might also stick to flats for a while(trying to think if I have any).

 Good thing is they brought the flat screen into the cafeteria and plugged in a laptop and did a streaming of the inauguration. I cried. I recorded and took a picture from my phone.

Okay I’ll update more when I get back.


Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:



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I hope you feel better soon, soon soon!

January 20, 2009

Peace and blessings to you and yours, Sis.

Please go to the doctor. Take care of yourself DIVA! Smooches…

January 22, 2009

Feel better soon lady.

ryn: i was an item processor, but that all is kinda related. I didn’t deal directly wit customers. I have money handling exp, and have all that other stuff, except or sells, but they can teach me that. I think I am gonna apply, if not this morn, soon as I get home from work