Sneak update

Hello all.

  • Currently the Belgians are in the office and my old boss is sitting directly across from me so I can’t do much but I wanted to give a brief update.
  • I’ve been working my plan and goals for this week,  Took some before pics Monday that I WILL NOT post here because they are God-awful. Let’s just say I fit the Apple body type to a T. Not a cute look at all lol. Especially at my size. Maybe when I come down and have a little more confidence Iill post them next to after pics lol.
  • I’ve shopped my resume and got a couple of bites already. I was offered an opportunity to work somewhere doing the same thing with help for 4.00 more than what I make here. Med ins. included. So I’ll be interviewing for that next week.
  • Boss has been nit picking everything I do as if they want to fire me so that I can’t get the severance. So I may be leaving before the 14th to avoid it. Depends on what God says.
  • We have confirmed a couple of shows coming up which I’m excited about and getting back in the studio to record needs to be done ASAP
  • My plan for the next year or so is to work contract to build up more experience and beef up my resume *just in case*.  I want to eventually work in the field that I went to school for when my singing career is over which is Computer Networking Engineer. I already lightly do some of those functions but right now I’m still in the Desktop Support/Server Maintenance/Telecom support arena.

Well I think that is all the updates I have. If I can think of more I’ll be sure to tell ya.

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~

Proverbs 25:28

~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.

Ronnie (OD member)




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April 2, 2008

I will be praying for that 2nd bullet! */* So awesome. I’ll pray you can hold out as long as it takes and that the company would not “steal” the severance pay from you. Which is exactly what they are doing. The military tried to do the same thing with my dad regarding his retirment pay (they tried to get him retire early so he couldn’t collect “in-full” his retirement funds.) With how much his body has been sacrificed…the fact they want to jip him is sickening to me. ((HUGS)) Struck down, but not destroyed!

April 2, 2008

Yes, timing means a lot. I pray all parts of this job search and transfer will go smoothly.

Good luck with the job interview next week. LOL, I love your title today.

Sounds like you are planning your personal development and career. Good stuff! Smooches…

soon you can say, you can just nit pick somewhere else! SEEYA

It would be wonderful if God opens a door for a better paying job with benefits in your field.

April 2, 2008