Simply Awesome




If I could describe yesterday’s events that’s all i could sum it up to mean. I haven’t had so much fun and enlightenment in quite a while in His presence.

Church was off the Hook! I’m talking about new dimension prayer,  New level worship,  Packed house (which is to be expected on Easter ofcourse). But the awesome thing about it all was the souls. So many souls gave their lives to the Lord and were SOOOO touched by the experience of dining at the table with the Lord while there was a feast going on in the Masters house! We praised God,  and we Worshipped the Lord. And we consoled each other,  Prophetic Word came forth. Children were giving their all in service it was excellent. i can’t describe it any other way. 

The church had an easter egg hunt after church. I don’t support easter egg hunts because of it’s pagan origins so We left out but wished everyone a happy resurrection Sunday. Then we went to visit family and had a BALL.  i took pictures Will reveal them shortly but it was just an excellent time. Then we came home and got in our PJ’s and watched movies until everyone fell asleep. Gathered ourselves and went to bed. A perfect day in perfect weather if I may say so myself.

Last Friday I checked my committment to healthier life and I’ve been doing pretty good. I haven’t had Caffiene  in 4 weeks can you believe it? no Coffee,  no soda,  no tea. Believe me it was HARD at first but I’m cool now. All I drink is water,  crystal light,  fruit juices (rarely),  and no caffeinated soda’s (very rarely).

I’ve been pretty consistant with walking and exercise (for me,  compared to recent months) and get this guys I have gotten a membership to a real gym. The rec center in my neighborhood is fine but I needed more flexibility with hours. i like to work out in the early morning but they don’t open until 8:00Am. Well I have to be at work @ 8:30 so that wouldn’t work and lately I have classes in the evenings and the rec center closes at 8:00Pm so that doesn’t work either. The gym membership is for a gym 3 minutes away from my job so I think working out on lunch or before work would be excellent. Then I wouldn’t be inconveniencing my family and neglecting myself. God told me to make an investment in myself and so I am doing it. 

OH! Oh! and check this out. The company that I work for is expanding so much that we are outgrowing our office! We will have an expansion of positions shortly along with Lean six sigma training. I’m already yellow belt certified and would like to be green belt so this is my opportunity thank you Lord! They will have program Manager positions opening up and we will be filling those spots! Thank you Lord. During the meeting God  confirmed to me what he said in the beginning. i WILL be making 10,000.00 more than I make right now by the end of the year. Thank you LORD! I’m allowing my faith to connect with his faith and he will give me more than enough. That has been the word for this season that he’s revealed to me. 

I’m excited about it all.  


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I’m glad you had a great Easter. Your job sounds like it has wonderful possibilities!

Wow your Resurrection Sunday sounded TERRIFIC!! Wished I could have shared that with you. I’m glad you watching your intake and getting to the gym! Wonderful. Work is going good? GREAT!*Love*

Oh my, blessing upon blessings. Sound like a good time was ha by all. Praise the Lord for new births in Christ. (Termi)

April 14, 2009

Umm, I’m moving up there to work with you. Thanks. LOL.

April 15, 2009

Sounds like you had a great Easter. Praise God for His blessings!

April 18, 2009

Are you taking a praise break?