Revival Recap/ meeting – 2 part entry (long)

Okay i knew that this entry would be long and for those of you that read me hopefully you will see this and not freak out and never read it because it’s long lol.

Anway. The revival was….. It was WONDERFUL

Friday night the message was about telling the mountain to be removed and be thou cast into the sea. And that Faith is what activates God. You CAN NOT come to God asking for something in prayer and then doubting yourself. That defeats the whole purpose of your prayer and rejects the request. So if you ask God for ANYTHING at all and then have even a little bit of doubt in your heart Don’t expect it to come to pass. he proceeded to go into many scriptures about the man that wavers in his heart that is like a wind tossed to and fro. And even when he went into prayer for the message he asked God why of all places would you cast a mountain into a sea?and then why speak to a mountain and not a hill, or why on earth did God choose to use a mountain as the parable. His answers where this… God used a mountain as a symbol because if you stand at the foot of a mountain there is absolutely NO WAY you can see around it or over it. God need you to understand that the only way for you to get through it is in Complete faith in him and so. If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed you can speak to the mountain (because of the authority of lving spirit of God which lives in you) and tell it to be removed and cast into the sea and it shall be so!  And the reason God used a sea in the parable is because Mountains can’t swim! Which means once you speak in faith for a hindrance to be moved it Can’t come back up! Praise God. The service was awesome and my level of expectation was so hight that I was flowing in the spirit before the service ever started. I was ready to hear the Word and Get my praise on and receive my deliverance in prayer. lol And I know that God has lifted that burdon.

Saturday night as we came back into the revival the message was to trust God. WE went throught the story of Job and how the devil had to get permission to even touch Job. God allowed Job to be tried because he knew that Job could take it. Tests and trials only come to make you stronger and God will NEVER put you in a test that you are too spiritually weak to handle. He allow the test to come because he knew your potential and he has to bring it out. Trials don’t come to kill you but they come to make you stronger! Instead of asking God why me be thankful that he sees your potential enough to even try you in that thing. God will never put you in a situation that where you would die. He loves you too much,  what kind of a father would intentionally hurt his child,  natural or heavenly? No no God is not trying to kill you he’s trying to make you better. And if you think you’ve got it bad think about all that Job went through. Can you imagine losing your child…. it would drive you crazy to lose one child let alone ALL Of them in the same day?!?!? As well as all of your cars and your house and your money being burnt up and taking away. Then on top of that boils all over your body running with puss and stinking. Yet Job trusted God. He said the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Though he slay me YET will I trust him. Trust that God has only put you through the test because He KNEW that you could pass it. He knows that  you will come out stronger!!!! Praise God.

The praise and worship was explosive! I mean I can’t even describe how wonderful it was. A couple of people received Holy Ghost Baptism, Some where healed in their bodies, and A whole bunch were delivered from infirmities. Counting me. I’m so thankful to God for the deliverance I feel free. i don’t hold no grudges against anyone and I can feel my tone of speech changing as well. Praise God he is delivering me from my sarcastic nature thank you Jesus! Yall don’t know how long I’ve wanted to drop that out of my life!

I came up with a saying about this whole revival. I went into like Jacob sleep on the rock and bethel ready to wrestle with the angel of God….. Saying I won’t let go til you bless me! And I came out of this revival feeling like Israel having the blessing because of my persistance with God.  If you need a reference check out Genesis chapter 32

 So Sunday morning I met with my copastor and it’s funny because,  since the weight that was on my heart has been lifted I kinda felt like maybe there was no need to have the meeting but then I began to encourage myself saying… no, no you’ve comitted to this and you need to have this meeting and if nothing else tell her what happened.

So I did. And it was wonderful. I actually took her to this site and read everything word for word and she gave me some excellent advice. She explained to me the changes of spiritual maturity and when God begans to show us our hearts and it can be a trying process to the point that sometimes we want to deny it because we don’t even want to deal with it, even when we never realized that it was a problem. And she apologized for if she ever made it seem as if she was unavailable because her schedule is always open. Then she gave me advice about how to go forth because yes I have been delivered and yes the sin has been pulled up by the root but now there is a hole there where that tree was planted to now it’s time to take steps toward reconciliation with my daughter. Be open and honest with her about your fault in not opening up to her before and ask her to understand and work with you on this cause it’s all new to me too. She said yanno children don’t rationalize the way that adults do so I’m sure she’ll understand and be open to this NEW person, called mama. So I’m taking steps toward doing this and asking myself how to approach everything through prayer and seek God for advice. 

I wanted to talk toher last night but couldn’t formulate it into words so I am working on that now and we will sit and have a heart to heart tonight after her practice. I think my biggest challenge in all of this is to realize that she is a person and not just my child that I can tell what to do and not have any questions asked because I’m mama point blank period. I mean I actually have to treat her like a little person with feelings and a voice. I know it sounds stupid to you all but I was never raised to allow MY child have a voice. So this is new territory for me. I have to take down my superwoman mask and become vulnerable….. to a little girl. I know that I can do this because I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.

So…. pray me blessings yall. I’ll let you know how it went.  

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


‘I grew up penecostal and I now attend an apostolic church, but I have long ago taken off the denominational boundaries. I’m sick of religion and tradition. I’m more concerned about relationship with God through Jesus Christ.’



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I read this whole thing top to bottom! It is a great message. I am glad that you were able to let your co-pastor in. Good luck with your and building strong bonds with her that you never had with your own mother.

September 17, 2007

Awesome, awesome, awesome!

yes validation of her thoughts and feelings even if you don’t agree is crucial. At least she will understand you HEAR her.