Resting *e*

*edit* Got a call from the dealership and they said that the Van just needed a tune up because it had ht 100,000 miles. So i picked up the van today and it runs good. i took it to my uncle and he said it sounds and rides perfectly after teasing me about getting a top of the line minivan. He said the MPV’s are about the only vehicle that Mazda made that is top quality so that makes me happy lol. I loved the leather and woodgrain interior. Then I took it over to my daddy to show him and he loves it! 🙂 uncle said that he knows that most newer cars do need a tune up at around 100,000 miles so that was about on point. I’m so relieved cause I really like the van.

I am learning to do this. Last week in Prayer God told me to rest in him. I had no idea what this meant.

This week i understand. I didn’t go to church yesterday. My body shut down on me and I opted not to go because I couldn’t move. I made quincy a really nice dinner Saturday and bought him a cake and though none of his boys showed up (he was a bit sad about that but since living this new life of christianity they never come around anyway),  But the praise team and the elder and his sis and bro in law (soon to be) came over and it was a nice time. But I was so tired I kept falling asleep on them. That sharing one car really ran me ragged. ANd to top that all off I drove the MPV for ALMOST 24 hours before the engine light came on. Yay me right? I took that van back up there with the quickness and told them either fix it/gimme a new car or I will stop the loan and take my business elsewhere. THe sales manager is a friend of my cousin and she obviously has put the fear of God in him because he assured us onhis own blood that the issue would be taken care of they will find out what the problem is and fix it and if they can’t fix it he will work something better out. I was ticked Saturday morning but I was very calm. Now my cousin on the other hand was not having it. She called him and went off lol. It’s good to have people I guess lol.

Right now we have a loaner car and that has been helping. Yesterday my uncle joined the church. OMGosh that is soooo wonderful! HE visited for a while and he is changing yall. I mean yall would not believe the changes that he is going through. He was like the black sheep of the family. In and out of Jail all his life NEVER went to church,  smoked crack, robbed and stole from people. He was like America’s worst nightmare (okay I’m exaggerating lol) BUT LOOK AT GOD!!!! I’m so ecsatic about it! And his girlfriend is seeing the changes as well as changing for the better herself. And I know without a shadow of a doubt that if God could save my uncle whom nobody even thought twice about being saved then he can change the hardened heart of any man walking this earth. I’m sorry I missed him joining but I’m sure he loved it. As a matter of fact after church he came over my house to put up a light fixture and he and my other uncle hang really tight. They stay drinking and smoking weed and thangs especially even here lately. And I knew my other uncle was having a superbowl get together and I asked my uncle,  the one that just got saved,  if he was going to the superbowll party and he was like, " naw I’m going home". Let me tell yall something I could’ve did a praise dance to the Lord just in hearing him say that cause he didn’t turn down no opportunity to get drunk. So this shows me a change in his heart and for that I am grateful Another thing that struck me to pray was about my auntie that I used to walk with in the mornings. She was one of the most unlikely people you would think would get saved and have a change of heart as well. She was a bartender for 10-13 years,  she hosted every party you could think of,  She is sooo outgoing and LOUD lol and fun to be around even when she wasn’t saved. And every bad habit that I picked up in my life she was right there guiding me the whole way. Now for God to give her a change of Heart is such a blessing too!

But the thing about this is that 2 years ago my auntie that i walked with threw a huge birthday party… rented out a hall and everything. ANd I came the first 15 minutes then hightailed it out cause when my family gets going it’s a sight to see. It was one I didn’t want to see. Well into the latter part of the night both auntie and uncle got drunk. I mean really drunk and they had a fight. I to this day don’t know what my uncle said to my auntie but whatever it was it must’ve really hurt her deep because she hasn’t spoken to him to this day. Even in church they avoid each other and don’t speak. This is hard for me to see but I’ve been praying about it. Well this past sunday when my uncle joined the church,  I was told my auntie just broke down crying while he was giving his life to christ and while he joined the church. They still didn’t speak but just the fact that these tears were shed means something. It really is a breakthrough because I talked to her back when we used to walk and she told me that she could never forgive him for what he said to her. Like I said I don’t know what was said but the blows were deep and he never apologized. i pray that their relationship is mended in Jesus Name.

 I just talked to the dealership about my car and he said they are still working on it. I really hope that this is something minimal and that I don’t HAVE to get another car because I really liked the van. It had leather interior woodgrain  dash,  electric everything even the back windows in the MINIVAN rolled down like in a regular car. You could fold the back seat into the floor for hauling and space,  it has the dvd player, heated windows and mirrors, both back doors open automatically also with remote. I mean I know all of those things are cosmetic but man it was cool to have. And believe me I am not making the mistake of getting a second opinion when I pick it up. I’m taking my aunties boyfriend with me who is a mechanic to let me know if they try to feed me some crap.

But yanno what. I’m not half as stressed as I should be I’m learning how to rest in God. Yesterday I was just tired,  Not only tired in my body but also mentally and emotionally. I just wanted to rest. I just wanted to not think deep and be all discerning and fighting spiritually on others behalf,  I just wanted to rest. I was tired of going through the motions and following the format of service yesterday, that was another reason I stayed home. I just didn’t have the energy to fight through a whole service in praise and worship,  in intercessory prayer, and in teaching Sunday school,  which I see more and more tends to be thrown on me cause no other teachers show up for their classes. Last time I checked I asked to be taken OFF the childrens ministries but I don’t mind helping o

ut. Shoot for real if I’m not there who is going to teach the kids? Well yesterday the opportunity presented itself and they had to make do….sorry.

Today I just look back on how relaxed i allowed myself to be and I remembered Last Sunday when I went down in prayer and God told me to just rest in him. I think I’ll do that.


Oh and btw no I didn’t cut my hair it was in a week old rollerset lol but I still love that pic.    



~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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February 4, 2008

Yay for resting in God luv! Sometimes it’s hard to let go of the wheel and do so, but it’s so worth it!

February 4, 2008

If you keep filling that spot, they may just keep using you b/c they know you’ll do it. Becareful! 🙂 (((HUGS))) Get some more rest!

February 4, 2008

Sorry about the car. That sucks. Happened to me before. Except it was more like 1 hour rather than 24.:-( RYN: Thanks for your notes, prayer and support. Love you, sis.

February 4, 2008

RYN: LOL, I just changed it again. I thought it was too busy. Even though it’s snowing right now…I just needed a different background.

Love the pic and the fact you got some rest. The family giving their life to Christ is just magnificent. I hope the vehicle is repairable.

hey nikki, i need a HUGE favor from you. YOu know the deal with my ex friend and all. im really tryin not to let it get to me, but its hard, especially when i keep seeing that this person seems to hate me now, and has resorted to laughin when friends of hers make fun of me. I dont want to be down about tihs forever, please PLEASE pray for me that i can let this hurt go and move on. This was a friend of 7 years or so, and she’s turned out to be a horrible person just cause i pissed her off about something. iwasnt mad at her, but she took it there so she could have a reason to not be my friend. I just need you to pray for me, that i can get over this, and not look back. I’m really not as bad as she’s makin me out to be, but i cant convince her otherwise. im gonna pray too, its just hard when i think about it sometimes. makes me wanna cry ya know.

I’m glad there was nothing wrong with the van. It’s hard when families have fights. I hope that some day your aunt and uncle can be on friendly terms again.

*winks* Glad it’s all good!

God bless you, and thank you soo much.

ryn: Yes, it is a dinner theatre. The bingo is just a small part of it and you only win silly little prizes. It should be fun.

February 5, 2008