
Hey guys,

Can’t really surf the net like I used to because one of my superiors sits behind me and can see over my shoulder. I hate that but oh well. I’ve moved into the new timeslot and am enjoying the sleep. I’ve been fighting spiritually like you wouldn’t believe but all in all God still gets the victory.

I may have to drop out of NOJOMO because of this situation and not really being able to get on. When I get home I’m not thinking about no computer lol I usually have too much running to do. Lexy’s b-day was yesterday she turned 12 but she messed up her chances of having a party by lieing to me about her grades and not even caring about them. So nope I don’t celebrate lieing and failing grades with parties. She got her hair done (got her first relaxer),  Q tookher shopping and I bought her a card and took her out to eat. I have a family member that doesn’t agree with that so we had a spat over it but that’s whatever. I’m grown and no one tells me how to run my household…..especially when you can’t even control yours and never took care of your own daughter in the first place!


Yeah so things are going. We’re getting ready for this concert and get this. Working the later hours causes me to be run like a hebrew slave around this place because no one else wants to work so guess who’s losing weight? Yippee. And I got my divatude back. I actually have the energy to try and be cute coming to work once again lol.

Oh yeah and lil Q is going to the superbowl this Sunday so Yippee for the season being over (YESSSSS) although he wants to play football. lexy can resume sports after Jan,  but if her grades don’t improve we are gonna have some problems. There more to the grades story that I jst don’t have time to type today. Long story short I called my dad and my aunt and went off on both of them and I’m now resolved to keep them at a safe distance.

I don’t need anyone backbiting about how I raise my kids ESPECIALLY my own family when they have no clue how my household is run and theirs is in shambles. Talk about the tea calling the kettle black?

Okay so have a great day and Happy Veterans Day to all the vets and wives  and husbands of vets…. Your service does not go unnoticed.

Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:



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November 11, 2008

Lying about grades would have gotten my privledges taken away too… You are a good mom and Lexy will thank you for that when she is older… As for the people that don’t like it, forget about them!

November 11, 2008

I agree… I think it’s nice that she got the gifts that you gave her, you know? You could have just said here is your cake and that’s it. Lying is serious business and so are failing grades. ***sigh*** Happy b-day to her anyway. Hope she learned a good lesson. Don’t worry about your other family members. That’s you and Q’s child so they can just shut it up! LOL! Congrats on the weight loss!

I can’t believe a relative would put their two-cents in about that. For my birthday I got five dollars, a birthday cake and my favorite meal made. Kid’s are way spoiled now a days and if she misses a party this year then maybe she will appreciate them more. I’m glad you stuck to your guns and happy your getting sleep. Be well.

that would annoy me, dont tell me how to parent my kid. I dont see nothin wrong with the way you handled that.