Questions answered

 What would you do if you found that some of religious beliefs you hold were false?

I am a firm believer in truth over religion, so if indeed there were something that I believe be made manifest to be a lie I’d renounce it instantly. Don’t know if any of you know but my assignment as of late from the Lord will be about uncovering things so that the truth is made known. I’m not perfect at all so I have no problem admitting when I’m wrong …well sometimes anyways lol… but seriously,  I’d stop doing it if it were false.

How long will it be til we hear you sing?

LoL it will be soon I promise. And I don’t mind a request as a matter of fact I may have to get a jackleg video recording of me singing solo on my phone soon. We’re still recording in the studio and our agenda for the moment is getting a compilated demo and press kit to send to different record labels and radio stations for circulation. REmeber that go-getter procrastination that I was talking about last entry,  well we have a member of the group suffering from that now so we had to light a fire under his butt to get it moving.But to answer the question. Very soon

Who has been the most influential person in your life?

I’d have to say there is no one person unfortunately. My dad raised me as a single parent with the help of my grandmother that easily and gladly took me in from time to time with while he had his rough periods. I admire him so much for stepping up to the plate and not allowing me to get lost in the system the way my mom did even though she had a mental illness and abused me as a baby. And even with his flaws he has managed to not allow me to see his womanizing as a child(though I found out later in life,  from him lol).My mother survived molestation,  growing up in the orphanage system from a white mom that either had an affair or was raped by a black man and she was so ashamed she gave my mom up for adoption and never contacted her again, and though my mom had to grow up on her own she didn’t allow me to see her sweat. I never knew my mom suffered from schizophrenia until I was 19 when we had a bad fight and she had an episode. I didn’t know of her struggles in life until after she died and my family told me. I think her fighting spirit was passed down to me to never give up no matter what. Yes her end was dramatic and too soon but regardless she was the epitome of a survivor to me. My grandmother raised me with the faith of the matriachs of the church. A Holy Living,  Prayer warrioring,  Praise and Worshipping, Loving mother( i called her mama she was never grandma to me lol. It’s funny cause sometimes even my aunts and uncles slip up and call me their little sister). She showed me the example of a Woman of God. Even when I didn’t understand it and just thought she was mean, and later in life when I began to walk in her footsteps long after she passed I remembered and appreciate the covering that she gave me spiritually. My Aunt D was influential because she was the first college graduate in my family. She began working as a Database Admin making GOOD money. I always aspired to be like her. To have money to do whatever whenever even when the rest of my family was ‘thrifty’ (cheap),  My Uncle Jr was influential in my life for sparking the interest in electronics in my life… no literally LOL he used to create sparks in the basement creating Ham radios our of irons,  and using electrical tape to fix the spliced TV and Radio cords around the house or Fixing electrical wiring (too bad he was a cleptomaniac and spent most of his juvenile and young adult life in jail *smh*), And my two crazy Aunts C and R, they that taught me how to laugh! And to be the center of attention just because you like to have fun. These two ladies will have you laughing like hyenas! They both light up rooms when they walk in and are capable of having a party all by themselves. They are the encouragers in my family. They support EVERYTHING that every child does and shows up with internal pom poms and foghorns lol. I love em to death.  And my Uncle J,  whom I was determined to turn into my big brother LOL he’s (6 years older than me),  He was literally the coolest most popular guy in his school, only downside is that he was a straight up clown. My childhood was enriched because of him. He can do a serious Bill cosby dancing imitation. Wow so I guess you could say my whole family is the most influential in my life and yanno what? It really felt good to right that book of an explanation.  

Can you guys move closer to Cleveland?!?

Diva yanno,  Quincy and I have been thinking about it maybe in a couple of years but right now I can’t get over the grayness of Cleveland,  that lake effect just kills me. And I have to find more to do up there but we will be back to visit ( a REAL more than 2 hour visit next time) Yall gon have to come down to Cincinnati sometime too. we could definitely keep you guys entertained LOL

When was the first time you fell in love with our Lord Jesus?

At 6 years old I had my very first Praise and Worship experience with the Lord,  But I fell in Love with Jesus for the very first time @ 14.


Now yall know I’m longwinded but i hope this was interesting enough for ya.


Check out my playlist! They

don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:




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October 17, 2008

If I had to drive to Cincinnati by myself…I’d probably be missing some kids by the time I got there….I’d have to toss one out every couple hundred miles!!! Did I ever tell you I was supposed to attend UC? I was down there for like one weekend and I came back home…I hated it!!! My momma made me take the bus back home too!

I love your family answer! It really takes the whole family to raise someone doesn’t it? MY Question for you: What was the greatest most painful, hardest thing for you to ever give up and let go of, how long did it take? How did you wrestle through it?

October 18, 2008

Thanks for all the answers to all the questions. Very very interesting indeed.

I love your answers.

October 18, 2008

I would LOVE to hear you sing! And I had no idea about your mom. It’s sad knowing that someone we love so much has gone through such horrible things. :o(

October 18, 2008

ryn: just finished dinner and it WAS fantastic. I found some GORGEOUS eggplants for 99 cents a pound at a produce stand in my mom’s town. Three eggplants weighed in at 5 pounds. If you do the eggplant parm, just remember to soak the ‘plants and change the water until it is clear, then salt them and put them in a colander with a weighted plate on top. They have to weep for two hours. then rinse,

October 18, 2008

dredge in half flour and half italian bread crumbs … then dip in egg, and fry in oil. then it’s marinara in the bottom of the baking dish, eggplant, whole milk mozzerella, and parm, then another layer of the same, sprinkle with basil. bake for 30 min at 350.

October 19, 2008

ryn: we are not allowed to fish in the lake. It’s so tempting though since there are lots of fish. LOL.

October 20, 2008

I appreciate your answers and letting us in on some very personal and intimate memories. There are at least two positions I have changed on holding: Divorce and remarriage, and borrowing. The latest is evangelism, or invitations and altar calls.

RYN: I got it at staples, one of the employees i talked to last time i was there told me about it, since they didnt have the one i wanted (which was 600 before the rebate lol), and he said it was like 350 or something like that, doesnt have a disk drive, but everything else so i was like well hey i’ll take it lol. i need a computer and to be able to get online and pay some things and look for a new job. Hehe and by the way I* LOVE this song that’s playin, fred hammonds, you are the living word. I see “how deeply i need you” on there, LOVE that song. its on my ipod lol. anyway i looked online, havent seen one for that price, but he told me he had just gotten them in the store. the only thing that sucks isnt’ havin a dvd/cd disk drive, but other than that me loves it lol. I can get some stuff done, but i need to get a printer, how im gonna install it I dunno, unless i DL the software online.