Project : breaking from procrastinating

It’s been going alright I guess. I haven’t really seen any significant changes but I started it friday right.

I didn’t make the studio appt. Work went very well until I had to run around like a chicken with the head cut off trying to bring a desk from the job to my house. They were gonna scrap it so I told them to give it to me. It’s a beautiful desk with the rolldown top like the old mail bin tables with a lock on it. I’ll take pictures and post them one day when I have energy lol. Well I guess that’ll be a part of the breaking from procrastinating too lol. Anyways I had to contact my brother in law and leave work and drive 20 minutes to get to him get his pickup truck drive another 20 minutes back to work, find some one with a forklift and have them get the desk from the second floor (since there are no elevators in the building, how stupid is that?!?!) drive it out to the truck tie it down then I had to take it to my house and Find someone to help me take it upstairs cause DH was downtown with the kids at their track meet. I find someone and because I think I’m She-Ra I try to lift this desk with him. BIG NO NO I thought I was going to die taking that thing up three flights of stairs,  po thang he was basically doing all the lifting himself he’d pull the desk up and I couldn’t hold it no more so we’d switch places and he’d push…. this continued for about 5 more minutes then my next door neighbor saw us and offered to help I moved out the way and attempted to catch my breath and slow my heartbeat down got them some water and turned the fans on so when they did finally get up to my floor they’d be refreshed and I paid them for their hardship and suffering on my behalf. I live on the 3rd floor.

After I got them taken care of I had to have BIL’s Truck back to him by noon. We got done moving the desk (which was toooo heavy BTW) @ 11:45pm. I hopped in the truck and took it back to BIL got in my car came home and took a shower and changed clothes and went to the kids track meet to watch the 400 Meter run that would never end! I swear there was like 25 heats for the 400Meter Dash. I got to the track meet by 1:30 and they ran the 400 Meter dash until 3:00pm. Mind you my surprise reservation was for 5:00pm so I had to leave the track at 4:00Pm and DH had left the track before I’d gotten there to make sure everything was lined up. My son had to run a 200 meter dash but it was taking them too long to get to it, and I had to leave so he didn’t get a chance to run it. I felt so sorry for him but really he was just ready to go lol. They had been at the track meet since 8:00AM that morning so they were tired and ready to go.

5:00Pm I get to my surprise mothers day present and the present is that the men in our church all wanted to honor their wives by getting pedicures and manicures. Awww it was cute. It wasn’t what I expected but it was nice all the more. I didn’t leave until like 9:00pm though. I was wore out. So I came home and called it a night. Church was excellent and My daddy had a mothers day cookout I went to that then one of my sisters on the praise and worship team had a cookout for another girl on our praise and worship team. God really placed my sister diva in my heart this week too so I’m glad that they had the cookout for her. This is my girl she is the best. She has 4 kids that I call the 2 live crew cause they are off the HOOK! but she loves them babies so much it’s amazing to see that kind of love displayed to those children from a mother so young to me. Well she’s not really young she’ll be 30 this year but 2 years ago her husband cheated on her with her best friend and it devastated her. They’ve been seperated for 2 years and he is not in the least even TRYING to help her with the kids. The Last two years she has been going through pure Hell trying  to take care of those babies,  afford her divorce which he refuses to show up for court for because he has warrants out for arrest from his other baby mamas,  And work,  and be a leader in the church. I bought her a present and though she doesn’t have a husband right now to surprise her for mothers day the men got together and paid for her to get her pedicure and manicure too. She deserves a break yanno? Plus she is one of the most loving and funny sisters you ever wanna meet so we had her crying on mothers day,  when she got off of work but they were tears of joy.

Man I have some super long entries nowadays lol.

Oh Yeah back to the schedule. I think I’m gonna take the kids out of track. That is too stressful and time consuming for me and for the kids. They only participate in one or 2 events and they are so spread apart it’s just annoying. Football season will be starting shortly and cheerleading will be getting ready for the season and for competitions so they can do that and be happy. It’s also less money out of my pocket lol. Their next track meet is in Columbus this weekend. THat’s 2 hours away…. AND their track meets last ALL DAY LONG! Nope nope I can’t do it. The week after that their track meet will be in Detroit. Mama can’t handle all of that right now.

I’ll be meeting with Pastor Tomorrow to discuss my stepping down from the youth ministry. I feel as if I was just standing in the gap for the person that was actually called for it but now I think God has brought the person that he wants in that position. I hope so anyway.

My heart and passion really belongs to Intercession and Praise and worship ministry. I need to ONLY be flowing in those right now,  because if I’m spread too thin then I can’t be effective because I’m doing too much. (rehearsing what I will say lol).

Oh and I have an appointment for the lab drawls today @ 5:30Pm and I will schedule my follow up next week to get to the bottom of my hypothyroid issues.

Oh yeah and snow glass apples I haven’t forgotten about you I’m down for eating healthier and moving more. I’m on it today. 30 minutes of movement and eating healthier today.

I’m taking things one day at a time.




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May 14, 2007

Whew! That made me tired just reading it! LOl!

Very nice mother’s day gift. Plus it’s really sweet that the men went in on it for the women without a husband.

May 14, 2007

i could never in life keep up with your schedule. lol God bless ya

that was nice of the men to treat her to the spa stuff, too.

May 14, 2007

What a busy schedule! I am trying to schedule my stuff too but its so complicating, trying to be organize. Have a bless Day.

May 14, 2007

lol I did 30 minutes worth of moving today. I shook like a leaf during the whole court thing today and could barely walk once it was over. three hours of shaking and sweating surely equals to it, right? Oh! and I climbed the courthouse stairs! lol.

May 14, 2007

Your busy schedule doesn’t give you a chance to procratinate!

May 16, 2007

Thank you for giving me a view of what my life will be when my kids get older. I am so not ready for all of that. I’m tired just thinking about it.

May 17, 2007