peace in the midst of chaos …& walking

Went walking this morning. Got back home and got ready for work. Got on the scale and I’ve gained 2 lbs?!?! I didn’t freak out or rant about it though. i just kept on going.

Got in my car and headed to work and a mile from the exit to get to my job My passenger side tire blew out. So I pulled over to the side of the road called in and told coworker what was going on and then I turned off the radio,  sat there in complete silence and no demands and I began to worship God on the side of the highway with a flat tire and no way to get around. IT was the BEST. The other day I came home from work and got a good worship in and then the phone started ringing and I got upset like really really upset. I had a tantrum talking to God telling him I just need life to SLOW DOWWWNNN. I get sick of drive by worship I need uninterrupted nondemanding God time. No reading(unless I receive the unction),  no spoken requests,  no strategies…… just some God and I alone time. Well I got it today.  Even in the midst of a crisis I just began to worship him. It was awesome.

Then I called my uncle to come pick me up take me to get Quincy’s car and to get some money for a tow after finding out that a tow would cost me $90.00. I called myself saving money by purchasing a AAA card. Called the emergency roadside service and went back to the car and waiting on a tow. Turns out the tow ended up costing me 55.00, and I purchased the AAA card for 53.00 dollars so actually I didn’t save any money but in the future I will. i didn’t realize that it was the gold membership that I should’ve purchased. So i just got home a minute ago.

I also have drama on the baby daddy front (not Quincy). Lexy’s dad no longer wants to be a part of her life. I have a faves entry ready to explain that one so I’ll keep in touch with you all on that. But even in the midst of that I just have………peace. I see this as growth yanno? Normally I would freak out and be all worried but I think I’m starting to develop spiritual callouses as one of our deacons says. I just feel like well Devil what else have you got for me? I don’t care I’m still gonna praise and worship God and you are STILL defeated!!!

I just thank God for disasterous circumstances that cause me to be in a place where all I can do is worship him,  and I thank God for spiritual growth to be able to handle adversity and traumas that come my way.

Oh and the curve has a camera that gets up to 5 pixels of superfine quality pictures. I LOVE THAT. And I can put mp3’s on it. and I have instant messaging and internet surfing on it.

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


‘I grew up penecostal and I now attend an apostolic church, but I have long ago taken off the denominational boundaries. I’m sick of religion and tradition. I’m more concerned about relationship with God through Jesus Christ.’



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October 26, 2007

Praise him in the storm 🙂 Changes our focus. Everything else falls to dust when we look to Abba ((HUGS))

October 26, 2007

this is the first year I have been without AAA and I hate it. It has paid for itself many times over in the past. Lexi’s dad is ignorant for sure.

October 27, 2007

RYNL: Techies keep warning me against Dell. Do you know why? I hate Macs so that’s not gonna happen lol. As far as the phone, I can do all of that on my LgEnV, so I’m wondering if I should really get one. Bleh. Maybe I’ll just keep my phone, idk. Thanks chica!

October 27, 2007

I pray for your strength and peace luv.

Your 2 lbs could just be your muscles retaining water. I’ve read that it happens when you work out. Sorry you got a flat tire but at least you got some good spiritual time out of it. It’s sad when a father doesn’t want to be a part of his child’s life. It’s good that Lexy at least has Quincy in her life to show her what a real man is.

October 29, 2007

That was a good thing you did when you got a flat tire. I am learning something. Peace in the midst of chaos. I like that. Hugs..