One praying sista!!!! the rundown……… (long)

Hey all,

This weekend has been a doozy for a sistah I tell you! LOL I have indeed been one praying sister but I know that is all a part of God’s plan for me. I mean I am an intercessor/prayer warrior/ or whatever you wanna call it .

This past weekend our church went to a convention that our pastor was invited to preach at. Well he wanted the support of the church and all those that could attend and he wanted the praise and worship team to sing. Well In my post a couple of entries back I told you all that this church was not really freeflowing with their worship so I had to pray about that.

Well leading up to going I had this crazy dream and I told my praise and worship leader about it. IT was crazy. So I began to fast and pray about it all Thursday and When I woke up friday My head was heavy and my throat was completely sore. I mean like I felt like I had been hit by a mack truck. I’m like where in the world is all of this coming from I was fine yesterday. I had a temperature and I felt horrible but I came on to work. I took some medicine and kept the flow up as I typed in that same post. And I prayed and all day. Well I get off of work and normally it takes me 30 minutes to get home 20-25 minutes on a good day. So I figure well the convention starts at 7:00pm and it’s an hour away to get there. my car won’t make it so I’ll just ride the church van up. The Church van leaves at 6:00pm sharp. So I made sure to get off of work @ 4:30 to pick up the kids go home change clothes and head back out and pick up sister J on the way because she asked me for a ride. I get halfway down the highway and then I notice slow traffic. Oh well no problem I can make it through this. It’s 4:30 this traffic may put me back 20 minutes but I’m cool. WRONG! Traffic comes to a complete halt. There is no exit to get off of for the next 2 miles and from the looks of it it’s gon take a LONG time to get there. So I’m on my cell phone calling my praise and worship leader,  the church van driver, and sister J to tell them that traffic is grid locked I’m gonna try my best to get out of this mess and take a short cut to get home. Now I’m freaking out……. coughing,  hacking, sweating and trying to get off the highway and no one is giving me any leeway to get off the highway. It took 45 minutes to get to the exit that was literally ONE mile away. So I say cool I’m off the exit I’ll take the street way and call everyone and let them know I’ll be there shortly. it’s 5:25pm. ALL OF THE STREETS ARE JAM PACKED AND MOVING AT SNAILS PACE. okay freak out some more. So I call everyone again and tell them oh don’t worry about me I won’t be able to make it…. well I really WANT TO COME but this is ridiculous. I did NOT have road rage though surprisingly lol. It’s now 5:45 and the traffic clears up. I still have 20 to pick the kids up go home and change and pick up sister J. So I’m thinking sister J is just not going I have to get there. Chuch Van driver is going to hold out and wait on me @ Pastor’s request lol. Pastor says he wants me there so I’m relieved that Church Van driver agrees to wait. I pick the kids up @ 5:58 pm swing back around to go home and Call sister J to tell her I can’t get her and she is already outside waiting on me and she’s actually in my line of driving so I swoop her up and go home leave the car running dash in the house change give the kids something to eat and Quincy will be home to pick them up in an hour to go shopping and spoil them rotten. So I change grab a bag and throw all my goodies that I can freshen up in the Van and off we go. We make it to the Van where everyone is waiting on me and I feel sooooo bad about it all but I remind them that it wasn’t my fault. There was a pile up on the highway and that was what caused the backed up traffic. One of the Mothers came up to me and said "well we’re just glad and thanking God that it wasn’t you that was in that pile up"


So we head out on the road to the convention and on the way I get a call from my niece and she’s down about some things. I encourage her and pray on the phone with her. We get to the convention and I find my girls. We go to the back to pray and I notice that not only is my throat sore,  I NO LONGER HAVE A VOICE! I began to pray and rebuke the devil and lay hands on my own throat and we all get together and pray for Pastor and his message to come forth and anointing and healing to be in the atmosphere. We got to the convention late on the van because of me so when we got there they were taking up the offering. I promise they took up offering for atleast half an hour , because we were in the back praying and worshipping the whole time the offering went forth and they were still taking it up when we got back. I have never been to such a stiff convention in all my life but oh well. So it’s time for us to sing. WE get up on the stage everyone grabs a mic and guess whose mic is not working, AT ALL… yep you guessed it. Me lol. So we sung one song accepella and I really had to push my voice out because it was gone and the fact that I didn’t have a mic didn’t help at all. Thank God I have a very very powerful voice. Even when it is gone. Then we sung a song and like I said my mic didn’t work (just like in the dream) so the harmony was off the sound system was terrible,  you couldn’t even hear the drums and they had an old school organ so it sounded a mess but there were a some people praising God so that’s all that mattered to us. I sat down to find that my voice was totally Gone then. We sung during altar call… well they sung I just kind of whisper sung in unison with them on my mic that didn’t work lol.  I left that convention feeling so defeated like that was a whole waste of day. But Sister J encouraged me when we got back to the church as I was taking her home. I was drinking Dayquil like orange juice so I felt alright but baby I was TIRED by the time we got home. I almost fell asleep driving but Sister J kept talking to keep me alert and she encouraged me in the Lord.


Saturday I did some laundry came back home and laid around ALL day.

Sunday I was still sick so I stayed home. I prayed for church from home and Quincy calls me on the way home from church to tell me that Sister J had to be taken out of the church in an ambulance because she passed out in the church and had no pulse,  they had to resesitate her by doing CPR but her pulse was still very weak. nobody knows exactly what is going on but the ambulance has her and they took her to the hospital. They had to shock her heart. Sster J is Pastor’s sis n law so you know he was taking it hard and surprisingly Copastor (her sister) was not there Sunday because she was out with another member whose brother had been shot the night before (crazy right?!?!). So I’m just tripping off of all of this and praying at the same time.

I remember one thing that sister J said to me two Sundays ago that really touched me. I gave her a hug after service one day and she stopped me and said, " you know what you are always so nice to me,  you always make

sure that you come over here and speak to me. I ust wanted to let you know that."  I wondered to myself. now what would make her say something like that to me. Sister J is very very quiet and she looks very very mean ALOT. There are some people that she WILL not speak to. Or atleast that’s what people have told me. But I don’t go off of other peoples words yanno. I would always speak to her, whether it was in the streets or in church. I don’t know what would compel me to speak to her but I now understand God’s will in all of this. This woman has been hurt by church people before so she has a guard up against church folk. But we were all beginning to see her shell breaking and her smiling and being a little more receptive to people. I never had any resistance from her but I always spoke to her.

So that’s her history. Alot of people were worried over this whole incident as it happened towards the end of church and alot of people  were there and saw it all. i called to check up on her and yesterday she was unresponsive and not breathing right so they hadher on a breathing machine. She had Congestive heart failure.  They didn’t know if she was gonna make it or not. This morning I called pastor and copastor to encourage them and let them know that we are praying for them. I got word that she is now in stable condition and a little responsive. This is a miracle!!!!!!!! I am soooo believing that she is going to come out of this situation on Fire for the Lord! I have faith that she will make it through. Yall please keep Sister J lifted in Prayer I know I have,

I also want to acknowledge the miraculous power of God working in Jadalove’s brother as well. I believe God that he will come to and be completely healed and talking walking and Completely restored in Jesus name!

Today I feel a tidbit better in my body but I know I am a winner no matter what because I have been made a Queen and A Priest of the Most High God and that no sickness in my body is unto death.  But for the Glory of the Lord.


AS soon as I have word about the church member whose brother was shot I will post that as well. If yall read all that I know ya love me lol. I promise to read you too.



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I will pray for you and sister J

That is crazy about your convention and everything that tried to keep you away from it. Sister J will be in my prayers. It sounds like she has a lot of respect for you that she has let some of her walls down around you. I hope you are feeling better.

June 26, 2007

hope youre feeling better

June 26, 2007

Looks like we are going to have to flat out make an appointment with each other just so we can talk on the phone! I keep missing your calls.. but my phone rings soooo much with everything going on, I miss a lot of calls. Let me know when is a good time and we’ll have to do that. I want to call you in the evenings but with church and two kids, I know you are not just sitting watching TV with plenty of phone time on your hands….!

June 26, 2007

RYN: oh yeah I didnt get it at first. LOL

What an ongoing weekend. I am praying for you and all those involved. Blessings! Smooches…

June 27, 2007

That was quite an experience you had. You were not defeated all. You still made it to the convention. Praying for sister J. A lot of things happen when we try to do God’s work. Sometimes, it’s funny, too. One incident I’ll never forget. We had a big celebration for our 1st anniversary of the prayer ministry held in a hotel. We have ordered a big cake but it was sent to the wrong hotel! We

June 27, 2007

ended up having a tiny one provided by the hotel. But the praise & worship and the testimonies were just powerful! The enemy cannot have everything. Amen?