OMG have I missed you guys!!!!!



 WOW! Hopefully I still have some OD friends out there. GEEZLE PEETS WHere have I been! ?!?! I’ll tell ya where. On Facebook! HA

Hopefully you do have me as a friend on there but I promise to spend more time here now as well. I can be a little more intimate here.

Much has been going on since the year or so since I’ve been on but I’ll try to shorten it as much as humanly possible but ya’ll know I’m longwinded LOL!

First things first I released my very first CD!!!!! WAHOOOO!!! Yip Yip Yippee! It was an amazing and expensive process but I have it completed and it’s been selling thank God kind of slowly but hey when your a one man PR show you do what you can lol. Check out the cover here!!! 

You can get it on my website  or It’s available via Itunes, Amazon, Rhapsody,  Myspace, Spotify, Google Play, and many more online retailers….

The CD release party was AHMAZING!! I had it on April 26th. and God had his way. Weeks later my father received Christ into his heart received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and I later found out it was because of God touching his heart at the concert. I have been overwhelmed with blessings from the testimonies coming out of this project.

My children have been keeping me busy as a bee as Lexy has been doing it up with her Violin she’s now taken up Viola and I’m still trying to figure out how to pay for all of this but she is entering her Junior year and wants to do it all so I’m along for the ride lol. Quincy is all about football but I have been feeling really bad that he missed out on a trip to go to Europe with People to People yet Again because I simply couldn’t afford it! I really want him to travel explore the world get the culture and develop academically but I just didn’t have the 9000.00 to send him off. Partly because alot of my money went to the CD release. Speaking of that. The CD release has really caused our finances to be BEYOND tight! I’m really believing for financial breakthrough to be able to sustain. I’ve traveled a couple of times and ofcourse that has taken a toll as well. Also I see God elevating the gift in music ministry for me and I am singing propheitcally as never before so I’m cautious about shows that I do.

Recently I sung at an after experiencing a shift and it was not a great experience at all so I am taking my time with that one. Also I had preached earlier that day as well and so I was already flowing prophetically. I had some frustration about the CD sales and people and radio stations advertising and playing my music and honestly was just tired from trying to promote myself.

I was invited to sing at a conference in IL and it was off the hook and God kept telling me over and over again that he would be my promotion and that those that needed to be a part of my business would come looking for me. So I am content to rest in Him and not worry about it.

I’m back in the swing of things getting my health and wellness on lock. I have a gym membership and work out consistently been shopping at farmers markets and cook and eating ALOT healthier,  and just trying to stay focused I have ALOT of weight to lose and I don’t want a quick fix. I’m doing it the old fashioned way. More calories out than in. Move more eat less. I’m walking into week 7 and I’ve lost inches a little bit of weight and I can feel the difference I feel GREAT! I’m going to do my first Susan G. Komen 5K race for the cure in October and training starts tomorrow.

Hubby has been well. He’s been having some issues with our daughter  since her mom died last year. She is in total rebellion mode right now and the things that had been funneled into her from her mother about him not caring and her mom’s hate towards me is evident in her now. We’ve been praying and trying to maneuver through this but honestly it’s really doing a number on him. I keep him lifted in prayer and her as well,  and I’m a little peeved that her pastor is feeding this demon of rejection in her instead of helping to bridge the Gap caused by her mom not letting her see us or spend time us even when we fought for it. She is now grown and because her mom kept her illness a secret and passed away suddenly she then became a single mother to her sisters. I imagine how hard this is on her but everytime I reach out to help I get resistance. We’re really seeking God and counsel on this one please keep us lifted.

Welp that’s been life or the short version of life the last year or so lol.  Say something to a sister and check me out I sure do miss yall!







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RYN: thanks girlie!

Hey gorgeous, great to hear from you. congrats on the CD release, your efforts will be rewarded! Your motherhood sure is in full swing huh? well, enjoy it moves so quickly and poof, they are gone. That is great about your Dad accepting Christ! Amen and Amen! ~as you can see I had a huge “shift” in my life. It has been a whirlwind but I do believe I am getting my bearings again!

July 28, 2013

Hi sis, it’s nice of you to come back to OD and thanks so much for your notes. I feel the same about FB… because of lack of privacy, I hardly ever post there on personal matters. Am glad that your singing talent continues to glorify the Lord. Beautiful pic on your CD. Praise the Lord.

July 28, 2013

Wow! That’s a lot going on! glad to hear it’s mostly good. Too bad about your oldest daughter though. It’s a shame people do that to their kids. It’d be so much better for her is she would let you and Big Q help her ease into parenthood. Keep praying. She’ll come around!

July 29, 2013

ryn: Daughter Claire has a double major in Marketing and Finance now and the graduation ceremony will be next year. Thanks for asking.

I will have an AS in Human Services and my AA will be General Education and then I do believe I will enter a Social Work Program at either UW Superior, WI UMDuluth, or St.Scholastica