Not big on words today.

As Monica stated in her legendary song. *it’s just one of those days*

Yep Tom has shown his ugly head and I’m all emotional and stuff. I hate Aunt flo. My girl faves will understand that. Antyways. I didn’t exercise yesterday but Im gonna press through and try to today.

I believe I’m heatlhy in Jesus name even if I do feel sickness coming on. We were invited to sing @ a funeral this Friday so I hope I feel better by then. I think the dreary april showers type of weather is depressing me too but i gotta fight through it. Got too much running around to do today.

Oh yeah my boss has annoyed me today too so that might be another factor.

Anyhoo back to work.  


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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Here’s cheery wishes sent your way. I think we all get the blah’s this time of year. Everything is melty snow and dirty streets. I’m ready for a little spring and some green grass. It won’t be long now. We just have to hold out just a tad bit more.

March 17, 2008

ooohhh. I hate those days. I hope you feel better soon. (((hugs)))

March 17, 2008

Blah, the dreaded time of month. I never used to have pms symptoms but over the past couple of years I began getting emotional around that time. Just stay away from the chocolate! LOL!

I have kind of good news, you know all the menopause talk I was doing recently is because my cycle is changing, for the past year I was flowing EVERY 3 Weeks and it was awful and I am kind of happy to say that for two months I have been five weeks apart but have PMS back and I am now 5 1/2 weeks past my last period and just got some PMS symptoms this weekend so I think it will be 6 weeks total by

the time I get it. (getting further apart YAY). I say kind of because it would make G happy to have a baby together and I doubt that will happen. 1) I’ve had a tubaligation, 2. We aren’t married yet 3.) I doubt I would only because of my arthritis and I would never want anymore calcium out of my bones ….but 4. I would love to have his baby. I just tell him maybe God will give us one.

Calcium and Magnesium pills helped me TREMENDOUSLY with PMS for about the last 4 years, now I seem to have it back with the extension of weeks in menstral cycle. I hate it. Hope you feel better soon. Hang in there

I had pms to such an extent this weekend, it ruined the whole weekend and Sunday when I went to see G at the restaurant he was all talkative and I didn’t have nothing to say. When I feel that way I could just walk around with my middle finger stuck up in the air at everyone and I hate feeling that way. I perked up last night finally.

I agree they should have moved her instead of me. I’m not happy about it.

March 18, 2008

Grace and peace as you minister in music at the funeral Friday.

I feel ya! I think I want to stay home today. It is 8:15am and I have not showered yet! Smooches…