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I was thinking about a few things just from reading other ppls entries and stuff.

Writing, I can write. Really good. But I hate writing. Thank God for keyboards. My handwriting is so sloppy and horrible and I only write manuscript no cursive for me. Unless I’m signing something.

BUT I have some amazing poetry that I’ve written in the past but my best work only comes from the dark depressive lonely places of my heart. And my good stuff like my more ‘ on a lighter note’ stuff I always look back on it and it seems stupid to me. I’ve written songs and everything and everyone will love them but to me they seem corny  or stupid lol. Weird eh?

Okay some more randomness…. I walked 4 times this week. Yayyy me! Weight hasn’t gone anywhere but neither has my diet. Besides taking in more water. I’ll get there ladies just work with me now lol. I do see that my buttocks and lower back is tightening up since I’ve started walking. A little soreness there but I already know the beginning effects of going BACK to a workout regiment so no need to complain.

I haven’t talked to anyone just yet about getting the car fixed because 1) it seems that my uncle is avoiding me….whatever  forget him. 2) I left Dana’s number in my other purse. So  that will be underway today. ANd Midas was supposed to contact me with a quote on a new engine but I’ve got nothin……punks. I’ll call em today and check it out. I’m sure it’ll run me anywhere from 1500.00-3000.00 so I need to brace myself for that one. In the meantime Quincy wants to buy another car because his little car cannot take the abuse my dodge could. Going up and down the highway 25-30 miles one way daily will kill his cavalier.  Plus I NEED my own car. This sharing the car stuff is killing me. I have to leave out 30 minutes earlier to drop him off at work then when I get off work I have to pick the kids up from school come home get dinner started then leave back out to pick him up from work. AND he works weekends. I hate that his job works them like Hebrew slaves but he is still looking for employment elsewhere. until he gets it we still gotta pay the bills.

We still have to get a washer and dryer, put carpet down in the office, and get a bedroom and living room set. WOW. Lets see where this comes from lol. Oh AND pay for extended day school program for the kids in school. God will make a way. I have faith. And I’m nowhere NEAR as stressed out as I should be. More tired than stressed really.

OKay so I think that’s it. I have a hair appt. Tomorrow I need to get my nails refilled( and possibly cut the tips off).  Got pay my 12.00 for the posters of the upcoming concert in the end of FEB. and figure out how I will afford my outfits for the concert. HMMMMMMM

All the bills are taken care of though so yayyyy for that right? lol



~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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January 11, 2008

That’s the way it always happens right? 🙂 All the major expenses come at once. By golly, when both our cars went kaput at the same time…and I had to fly to Maine…and then we went to PA all in a 2 month span….I thougth I was going to loose it. ((HUGS))

January 11, 2008

Aw girl! If you feel it, write it! I just got back into it and I was so scared to share! Not because I was scared of what people would think, but because I felt too vunerable and like they werent good enough. But, Im trying to get over it! I would love for you to share! YAY for walking! Thats awesome! My diet is slipping, but I try to stay active. Thars GREA you dont have a lot of stress!

January 11, 2008

RYN: Yeah, I have like 7 texts left! I paid in the middle of the month so they only prorated like 150. My myspace is: *hugs*

January 11, 2008

hey sis just checking in with you. i know i’ve been MIA but i’m not completely lost yet. im praying for your finances although i already know He’s gonna bless you. i’ve been trying to do much better lately. its really hard though. just please continue to keep me in your prayers. i really need them and i feel all the prayers are helping. ooooh and one more thing. i joined the praise team at churchand sang for the first time last sunday! i loved it. im also working/helping with the youth choir and youth group. hopefully mrs. lisa will eventually let me have a more involving leadership in those as time comes. i dont want to take over either of them but i do want to feel like im helping more. anyway this note is long enough so i’m out. lol love ya! *hugs*

ryn: thank you for your note, and your prayers. Prayer is always needed :0). I want healthy babies, dont really care if it s a boy or girl hehe. I hadnt though of that idea of having him wear the african outfit and me in a regualar dress, i like that. I will run that one by him as well. i think that will work, i told him was willing to compromise, i just didnt want to do it all HIS way, as i didntwant it all MINE either ya know.

January 12, 2008

God bless you and your weekend. 🙂

January 17, 2008

Yay for bills being taken care of. Woohoo! RYN: I’m just happy I no longer have to drive 45 minutes out of my way to get to one. I thought you were somewhere btwn an 18-22? They sell up to size 22.

January 17, 2008

RYN: Bitten by Sarah Jessica Parker goes up to a size 22 for sure. The only thing about her collection is that you HAVE to try on the jeans because they have different cuts. Some 20s fit like a 16, some like a 20 lol.