New Personal Record!!!!

I just wanted to briefly come in and post this because I am soooo excited. I have a new long distance PR and a pretty good time at that. 6.76 miles!!!! woohoo I have never run that far before. It was tough but I made it! I just got in the house and the shower is beckoning me but I just had to report it. I’m so happy about it. My body feels like a brick, I have a small blister on my arch, and I know I’ll probably end up taking some pain meds by tomorrow but who cares! I ran 6 miles in under 2 hours LOL! time was 1:39:41 which I know is slow but for a person like me it’s wonderful. I’ll worry about speed when I get smaller. Until then MrsDawson can join the 10K club HAHA!

And I ran it in the rain how about that?!?!? Take that mr weatherman. No rain is gonna stop me from pounding the pavement.

Okay I really need to get in the shower. Thanks for your eyes lol.

and my weigh in results for WW was -2.8 lbs. Good considering last friday I actually ate 83 points in one day
and 59 the next. I was so terrible. But believe me I’m on track now babe!

I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me………. even run 

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January 13, 2007

Thats great! I can barely run a mile, so I admire you! LOL

awesome !!!!

yaaaaay lol

January 13, 2007


You go girl!

Great going! 🙂

January 13, 2007

Keep going. This is an inspiration to me.

That is definately something to be proud of!

Yay Sister!! I’m so proud of you!! I’ll hope to join you VERY soon! Smooches…

January 16, 2007

psh hearing about you exercising makes me feel incredibly lazy…but congrats.

January 16, 2007

That is great. I am so not a runner. Never been, even when I was ‘smaller’. Ironically I just bough some expensive ass running shoes for walking. LOL Keep going girl.

January 28, 2007

I love running. Congrats to you on your success!!