My mind is like a………………


General planner book or something.

It’s amazing reading a faves entry this has entrigued me! I am a planner by nature. But i plan everything in my head. Rarely do I ever WRITE my plans. I may enter them into my calendar on my digital phone,  but that’s the gist of it. I mean I literally plan things in my mind down to the minute. I plan my naps,  I plan when I wake up, I plan when I cook, I calculate when I do things the amount of time I have and mentally schedule in rest and everything. Most times my mental planning works,  sometimes it does not. But it does more than not.

But when it comes to actually sitting down with a pen and a piece of paper and jotting it all down I can’t bring myself to do it. I’m a weirdo I know. Does this make me like an off-handed genius or a doofus lol? I literally hate to write. Unless I am learning something. When I am learning the ONLY way I can remember things, and grasp the concept is to write them down. And when it comes back to reviewing them my triggers are what I was thinking or doing at the time that I was writing it down. So in my personal life I record close to nothing yet mentally map out everything. But in my business and educational life I write EVERYTHING when learning. I can read or study a book and sometimes to grasp meanings and trigger my memory I will write it down and that is how I remember.

I’ve been thinking about exploring project management and budgeting for business since that seems tobe the only lucrative career choices at the moment. I’ve always wanted to do project Management just because it pays swell and you get the responsibility of scmoozing clients,  and spearheading projects. But I don’t want the stress of deadlines and headaches of whiny team members. I’m so complicated lol. It seems that IT is going nowhere in this industry right now. I mean the jobs are now a dime a dozen,  you can’t really make decent money unless you are a programmer(yek),  or an engineer(more yek). Don’t get me wrong I’m staying where I’m at right now but I have really been thinking about it. And then shooting down the ideas when I weigh out the options. I mean I have children and a husband and a project management position would really take away alot of my time, I’d be traveling alot,  working long hours. And I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet. I really wanna just be a singer but I always have to have a plan b so I guess this is my plans b and C lol.

Oh yeah and I know this is completely off topic but  Drama sis called me last night to let me know that she’s been induced. She hasn’t dropped her mucus plug (tmi guys sorry),  her water hasn’t broke, and she’s only dialated 3cm,  but she;s in the hospital. THeir monitoring her BP cause it’s been really high. The baby is fine though. Oh and today is also my nephew’s birthday. This is the nephew from my fun sis. So how cool would that be that drama sis and fun sis will have boys with the same birthday?! My only concern is that drama sis will instead of embracing it try to show up fun sis around birthday time just because she’s a drama queen. *SMH* lol.

Oh and big step for me you guys this past Tuesday we were at church and I laid down the weight of anger and unforgiveness that I held toward her and my father on the altar. I had to do it cause it was really causing me to develop a hate for them and causing me to refer to them in sarcastic tones when in conversation and everything. I am now getting better. And the instant rise of anger at even their names has subsided thank you Lord. I don’t want any stumbling blocks in my way.

Well I think that’s it.

Oh and I can’t WAIT for NOJOMO when some of you faves will be journaling everyday. Coolness!


Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:



Log in to write a note

I make mental notes, although more and more these days the recall isn’t there. lol Once in a while I make a grocery list and then forget it at home anyway. Oh ick, I wouldn’t like project management and budgeting for business sounds like something that would turn your hair grey. Sing Baby, Sing!

October 2, 2008

So where are you guys going to go now that you’ve left the other church? Is it with that couple? I’m glad you are able to put down that anger and realize what effect it can have on one… if we hang onto it. ((HUGS)) Keep up the good work Woman of God! 😀

I am a long time list maker…I have such a busy and noisy head and it helps quiet the noise when I write.

ryn: I can understand what your saying and agree with it but SP wants to lay things out on her terms and wants to get certain things across that she wants to discuss and was using national air time to do it. She was just trying to get out the strengths while she could. I don’t think she was trying to avoid direct questions, at least not much. *smiles*

I think it was more of a tactic to bring the issue back to major strengths. I think it was smart move and she shows she is not going to be pushed around. She can drop the Maverick talk and the He is the only one that has truely fought for you crap, that only hurts her.

Are you going to a new church now? LOL, I only half way plan.

October 6, 2008

I used to be good at planning when I was still working. Now, it’s mostly in the head or is it laziness. I do have a notice board though that I write stuff once in a blue moon. LOL

October 8, 2008

I don’t do it as often as I should but making a do list helps me a lot. My frustration is thinking I can be doing the do’s while writing down what I should be doing.

October 9, 2008

RUN: I meant the white guy