My family is hilariously crazy lol *updated*

So everything I talked about doing in my last entry was done to a T. Saturday evening when coming home with Quincy little Quincy and a ton of laundry in the car we decide to drive by the house but not stop cause we didn’t want to get sucked in. Big mistake lol! I forget my auntie and cousin are some of the nosiest people in the world. I couldn’t get off the street by the time I hit a stop light to take off my cell phone rings. I look at the caller ID *Dang* it;s my other auntie that I walk with that just to happens to be there.

" did you just do a driveby of the house?" She said

I hesitate "……umm yeah we just rode by" ( Darn you integrity and character and not lying!) slaps forehead.

"Why didn’t yall just come on in?" Says Auntie

" Well we didn’t want to be a bother yall looked busy" (excuses Excuses *cross fingers please don’t let her ask me)

" Well turn around and come on back yall welcome!"

LOL so I’m like okay lets go check out the house lol.

We get there and the walls have been painted white again and it looks ALOT better than that god awful red and yellow eck.

They are cleaning up and the maintenance guy is fixing the closets.

As soon as we walk through the door my auntie, the one that i walk with goes, " you know krissy got in a fight with the tenants last night don’t you?" Krissy is my cousin. THe nosy one that is helping my auntie clean up.

So we laugh like haha that’s funny. And auntie that walks with me (krissy’s mom) is like No for real they was out here fighting in the yard yesterday. Krissy stomped a mud hole in that girl.

Now Krissy and auntie are crazy. They have what I like to call lil man syndrome, or napolean syndrome. They are short but are always ready to take on the world lol. Auntie is 4’11Krissy is 5’3 they are loud and silly. I love both of them. So after my million and one questions. It turns out that Krissy jumped on the girl because she hit my auntie. The one that owns the house and was renting it to her. They got into an argument because in efforts to start working on the house my auntie moved all of the remaining junk, oh excuse me,  furniture outside and sat it under the carport neatly with a tarp covering it so that it wouldn’t get messed up. Well come to find out she actually wanted that crap and had an attitude because auntie sat it outside. So she and her husband and a couple of friends come over to confront my auntie about it. I told my auntie she was totally justified in sitting that girls stuff out. And she’s better than me cause I would’ve sat it on the curb for the garbage man seeing as she did NOT pay her for the entire month of November’s rent. Moved out and gave NO notice, DID NOT paint the walls to restore them from that horrible mess she did in that house and DID not even ATTEMPT to try amd clean up. AND her husband was stashing drugs in the house.  So while they were arguing my cousin Krissy was in the background taking up for auntie and the girl acted like she was trying to get to Krissy and hit my auntie twice. It was over from then. My cousin beat her up really bad. I mean they said the girls eye was black and swollen by the time the police got there. The girl filed assault charges against my cousin but there were atleast 5 witnesses there vouching that SHE started the whole incident and the fight.  

I’m just glad that i wasn’t there. And my auntie informed that if it wasn’t for the fast that we are going through she doesn’t know how she would’ve reacted. she is so thankful for the fast. I’m just thankful I wasn’t there. I’m very overprotective of my family and just the fact that I have to live there means that my actions had i been there would’ve caused a whole lot of friction while being there. God knew what he was doing. Thank you LORD!

I still had to laugh at it all though because my cousin is the sweetest funniest girl you’d ever meet but she is fierce like a pitbull when it comes to conflict lol. I prayed for her yesterday as she did come to church and she’s cool.

okay I have more to update but I have to write it later.


OKay now I’m back. Had to do a couple of things here at work. Lordy be there is a DEPHOMO challenge going on?!?!? Yall some brave sisters and brothers that participate. ESPECIALLY if you did nojomo and dephomo. More power to ya *raises fist*. I couldn’t committ to either one cause I know I wasn’t going to post everyday.  BTW what is the big deal about nojomo do you get like a year of OD plus for free or something? Is there a reward? Or is it a personal thing with committing to write?

I hate to write. Honestly I do lol. Isn’t that weird though?!?! I love to read and I hate writing. And the crazy thing about it is when I really apply myself I can really write. I mean like novels and everything. Thank GOD for keyboards…..whomever created them needs to be kissed. I’d rather have folks see some formatted typos than try to decipher my chicken scratch anyday lol.  

Little Quincy had his football banquet yesterday which was really nice,  and Lexy had her cheerleading banquet Saturday. That also baffles me. They used to have the banquets together I don’t get that one.

Oh and lexy is not happy about this move AT ALL. She’s sad about leaving her friends. Quincy on the other hand cannot WAIT to move. He told me that he only has 1 best friend in school and it’s some little boy named Jason. It’s funny because for Lexy to be shy she has like a TON of friends. But Little Quincy is outgoing and commands attention yet doesn’t have many friends. Is that normal? I mean for the personality to show opposite results? Little Quincy is what I call my little know-it-all. He has been correcting people since he was 2. I have absolutely NO idea where he gets this from. Maybe his dad? lol. It can be cute but most times it’s just annoying but if that is his personality I have to let him grow into his own little person. I always said I would never try to MAKE my kids act a certain way beyond mannerable and respectful towards adults,  so it’s just funny watching them interact. He has a cocky yet calm manner about him. THAT i KNOW comes from his dad’s side. I told Quincy one day that i have never met another ghetto bourgeise family like his in my life. LOL! Now that I think about it THAT is where his know-it-allism comes from lol. Lexy has a shy and timid personality. And she is careful about EVERYTHING. I mean even down to the words that she speaks. I have neither of their personalities lol. Oh but I did catch her in rare form when she didn’t think I could hear her talking to her little brother. She was yelling at him about something and sounded JUST LIKE ME. Mannerisms and everything. The first thing I could think was OH LORD! Of all personality traits to pick up why that one?lol. Also I notice that most of-no ALL of her friends are these little loud mouth girls with tons of attitude. I think she MUST act like that too when she’s around them but we never see this side of her. her teachers say that she exemplifies the same character in school as what I see at home so I gues I shouldn’t be worried. Lexy really sc

ares me in some ways because she’s like too perfect or something around me. And I think of how sneaky I was as a teenager, and you know they say your kids will repay you for what you did to your parents. God I hope not lol!

Because of these things with their personalities I want to move and put them in the new school. I know lexy will miss her friends but they will all see each other again in middle school as we’ll still be living in the same school district and not to be snobbish but the school was in the ghetto.

Oh my gosh I just cannot believe my daughter is about to be in middle school! Time is flying just a little too fast for me. Lil Quincy will be 8 in February! My babies ain’t babies no more *tears up*

Okay that’s enough of my rambling for now.  

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28

 I grew up penecostal and I now attend an apostolic church, but I have long ago taken off the denominational boundaries. I’m sick of religion and tradition. I’m more concerned about relationship with God through Jesus Christ.’



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That is really funny! OMG, I know my family would have been fighting too. Smooches…

December 3, 2007
December 3, 2007

I would have beat that girl down too! can’t play with momma…! LOL!

lol I am NOT doing DePhoMo lol, that’s just crazy. Nojo is enough lol, but nope no prize. just something fun to do, just a commitment to write type thing. I like the challenge haha, and it is a challenge, cause i don’t normally write everyday, but in a weird way its kind of fun lol.

RYN: lol did i put soup?? I meant soap. I shall change that haha. and thanks for ur addy, you’ll be gettin a card this year from me. haha yaaay

oh it was soap, it was asked in the survey, i didnt answer with it. but yeah, I rubbed my tooth brush on a bar of soap, and brushed. I nearly gagged on the stuff, NOT a good idea lol. I was a kid, what did I know lol

I’d have tore someone up too if they hit my mom. Thank God, there were witnesses to say the old tenant started the whole thing. THey didn’t deserve their stuff back. No other landlord would have given it back. I bet Lexy will adjust to her new school better than she thinks. Especially if she has tons of friends now. That means she’s a likable girl and won’t have any problems findingnew ones.

December 3, 2007

Wow that’s pretty intersting about the family fued. Think I can relate to your cousin. You know my kind heart, but you mess with the wrong person(meaning someone I love) I will be all up in your face 😉

December 3, 2007

RYN: Yah know you don’t even have to say much and you encourage the dang socks off of me Sister! ((HUGS))