
If you could write a letter to God what would it encompass? I love to be real about my feelings and I know from experience that being real with God is not hard to do. You can fool man and put on a  mask and act like everything is alright but you can’t fool God. So If you had the opportunity to be honest with yourself and with God what would you say to him? Also being real with God and getting it off of your chest also creates an opening for intimacy with God- which breeds worship,  communion,  and relationship.

 I don’t know about many of you but I don’t just want to know about who God is. I want to know him. I want to feel him smiling down on me. I want to feel the breath of his presence as he blows upon me daily. I want to feel his embrace as I sometimes cry like a baby over my hurts or happiness in the my prayer closet. I want to hear him sing to me! Wow can you imagine that. Hearing God sing to you!

Zephaniah 3:17 says The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.

Man could you imagine that!!!! I’ve heard some beautiful singing in my day and age and even before my day but I imagine that it could not at all compare to the beautiful voice of God himself the creator of all voices!

So this is what I’ve been feeling lately. So here is my version of my letter to God.

Dear Daddy,

Hello there, and how are you. I have longed to speak with you and experience your love. Please forgive me for those times that I’ve ignored your gentle tap on my spirit to let go of everything and come visit your throne. I apologize for not being better with taking care of that. But now that I’m here I just want to tell you that I love you. I love you more than anything person or thing that I’ve ever loved and it amazes me how my want to be in your presence is growing daily. Wow you are so great, just the fact that you are God alone and that you love me enough to respond to my little ole cry shows me that you think I’m special. And thank you for even using me in those times where I felt I wasn’t even worthy to walk in your sight. I could ask you for this or that or even supplicate on behalf of someone else but right now Daddy, All I want is you. Just give me you. That’s all I need. And I surely need it. I need you like I need air to breathe,  I’ve been in places where I’ve ignored you and paid no attention and it’s a very desolate place. I never want to be there again. There are so many things that I could thank you for but I don’t have enough time or space to do so lol. But to sum it all up I just want more of you. More of you spirit,  more of your glory,  because I know that when I have you. When I have captured your heart then all else will fall into place. I trust you that you are faithful to keep me and I look forward to communing with you all day long. Until the next opportunity to express my love…………


Your Daughter



go Ahead. Take a whirl at it. Write a letter to God. I encourage you. in your own diary. If you don’t have one, write one in my notes section. It may not be a love filled entry. It may be a frustration letter,  it may be a rant letter, it may be a cry for help letter,  whatever the case may be. Be real with God. That’s what he wants. If you don’t feel sugar coated then don’t coat it with sugar. But it’s better to get your feelings out. And who better to tell them to than the one who is able to keep you from falling.  The one that wants to fix your brokenness. If you want it to be a private affair for the ODer’s write a private entry with the Letter and to the non  ODers type it up in your own Word Document. But whatever the case Get it out there. The best way to heal is to get it out there. And believe me I know this from OD and my many rants and raves and worship and lovey dovey entries. Have fun



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I’ve heard HIM, when the wind blows gently, when the sun shines down on my face, when I hear the laughter of my loved ones, when my dreams are free of fear.

Very nice entry today…I’ll go write a letter right now 🙂

I’m going to do this but I think I will write it by hand and keep it in my bible. Thanks for the great entry.

November 29, 2006

In my paper diary, I always address what I want to say to Jesus. It’s no more Dear Diary but Dear Lord. I have one in the bedroom and one in the kitchen. It normally starts with “I thank you for….”. Thanks for sharing MsD.

November 29, 2006

wow, i have never thought of that, i am going to try it…

November 29, 2006

dag sis… that gave me chills… the good kind. you have a keen way of reminding me to spend time doing things that matter and feed my soul.

Awww, what a Beautiful and deep post MrsD. I am going to write my father a letter today. Just to let him know How greatful I am for everything he had done for me. Amen!

November 30, 2006

RYN: To know more about me, pls visit my other diary called sweethome Will add you to my fave list.

November 30, 2006
November 30, 2006
November 30, 2006

I’m going to REALLY think about this tonight…I like it. :o) RYN: Thank you so much! I’m so happy to have a friend like you. Love you!

I like your entry. Will be adding you to my favorites.