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Here’s a update

Kids are in track (insert heart flutter) I absolutely LOOOOVVVEEEE track and field as I was MVP of my high school track team so I’m really excited for them.

Resurrection program went …ummm well it went lol. It went as well as expected for 2 ppl trying to control 30 kids in which the majority of them where 3 and under . I was so relieved when it was over! The choir songs that I practiced with the kids went in a completely different direction when one of the leads froze up and sung her lead in a whisper and the babies took off running around. Talk about a hectic night lol! But it’s over and I’m glad. It does amaze me though…… how people that NEVER come to church and when they do come barely ever bring their kids but when an easter program is announced they come out the wood works lol. I mean there were people there that I’ve seen in church and honest to God did NOT know they even HAD children lol. Wow it would be nice to have kid participation like that for other child sponsored events but alas most ppl just want to take pictures of their babies dolled up for the holidays and that’s about it. But I digress……

Last Week work was wonderful and stress free. This week work is work. I’m still fumbling through a couple of issues that I was never trained on and my coworker that was training me that was told and I was told as well that he couldn’t train me had a melt down last week with his boss about his new position. He had problems with being told what to do and then no matter what he does he getting nasty grams about his work. We had to have a prayer intervention last week because he was tempted to pack up and leave around lunch…… I had to sit him down and minister to him (Thanks Lord for the opportunity).

Well this week he has called off yesterday and today and I have been manning the fort by myself (which is really what I’m supposed to do anyway), But I am on a serious learning curve seeing as how I’m still not familiar with tons of software used here. Oh and I am learning of the unwritten rule that goes on in this place about favortism for VIP’s and sales associates. I set up a meeting with my supervisor in Belgium today to banish that right now, and I have been blown off by her so far after she accepted the meeting request yesterday. Everyone is going to have to understand that I am not my coworker and I don’t work like he does so this rule will have to be ENFORCED to follow protocol when it comes to handling issues,  regardless of WHO you are. pffftttt *insert roll eye*


Home life is going well. Quincy and I went house rent shopping last week and came across a beautiful little 3 bedroom house in a really nice neighborhood within our price range. We met with the owners and filled out an application and it turns out there are ALOT of ppl bidding for this house as it really is a steal for the neighborhood and the look of the house. He is running credit checks on the applicants now and will get back with us on those this week. I am praying that ours is decent as my credit is NOT the best of the best. As a matter of fact it’s pretty bad lol. But I am believing God will work it out. And if it doesn’t fall through we will just live with it and continue to clean credit up until we can do this thing again.

Spiritually I’m being dealt with in dreams and I’m really trying to figure some things out that have me completely confused. I know that these dreams have a spiritual meaning but I can’t for the life of me figure them out. It’s the same dream that I’ve been having for months. Always the same dream maybe different ppl maybe a different scene but it’s always the same scenario. I’ll go into more detail on that in a Faves only entry I think.  Then again I may post it here shoot who knows lol I only get comments from faves anyways lol.






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April 17, 2007

Well you’ve been one busy bee! Goodluck with the house hon.

April 18, 2007

good Lord you stay so busy gir. yay for track. i pray that your kids do well and really enjoy being in track. as far as spiritual troubles… believe me. i am going through them too. saying a prayer for you and God bless!

April 18, 2007

Smiles at the first para. We are never meant to be able to control the little ones. 🙂 Work. It’s always a place to find a lot of challenges. I bet the who wanted to quit will have you to thank for not doing so.

April 18, 2007

“So was your side of the family included in alot of the ceremony?” Equally represented. But for my first batch of the family (my dad’s children with the first wife LOL), I was the only one (among the 5) who attended. Being Easter, it was such a bad timing. Of course, I had no say in the choice of date.

April 19, 2007

:o) Glad all is going well! RYN: Thank you so much! *HUGS*

Hey MrsD. I hope all is well with you sis. Stay in prayer and keep the faith. The answer is near.

April 22, 2007

I pray your weekend has been stress free and blessed. God is with you Dear, keep the faith knowing He will always carry you.

You’ve been busy! I hope the house comes through for you.

RYN: lol that’s my sunday school teacher (well from my former church, but i still call him my sunday school teacher lol) It was taken last sunday. R is the darker skinned heavyset guy I posted a pic of a while back. If you wanna see, I’ll find the entry and link you to it.