Just to let you know I’m still reading and noting

…….. I just haven’t had a chance to update and now that I do I have to be honest. If I could even formulate all that has been going on with me spiritually and naturally with words I’d be writing all night LOL. I just got back from a leadership conference in Greenville, SC at our Bishop’s church Universal Endtime Harvest Ministries and it was sooooo explosive!!! I promise to update with details soon guys really I will. Work is going great I’m actually getting in the skills and experience that I prayed for God to open up for me. Well I’ll leave you all with this scripture to meditate on as I have and a clip from the Crabb Family singing a couple of  melodies. They have a beautiful anointing and I’ve incidentally paid attention to this family praise and worship team for quite some time. Check em out and enjoy a good praise in the Lord!


Hebrews 11:6 (Whole Chapter)
But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.



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awesome hehe, well welcome back.

February 19, 2007


Glad everything is going good. ryn: Good luck at the Y.

February 19, 2007


February 20, 2007

Nice to see you back.