Joy is my middle name.

I sense growth! I sense peace,  I sense love.

This journey is so… so…. THA BOMB!

I’ve had some really tough situations come up during the past week but when they hit it’s like water rollin off of my back. It just does NOT affect me at all. LOL. I can really Laugh in the face of adversity and tell a person " You know what? You have no power over me! I’m grown baby and I’m so free!"

This past weekend we went to Cleveland  to see my boy RA Vernon and enjoy the services. Met up with Tameca for a quick chat with the 3 divas. Girl i love you to pieces ya know that? Everytime I come to town no matter where I am or how tired you are you come out and hang with me and I really appreciate that girl.

We got some cd’s from the bookstore of RA Vernon’s preaching Posse’d up and came back down the road to Cincinnati. Went to my house had a labor day bbq and watched the DVDS and listened to the CD’s and got fed immensly! (sp)

Then this morning came to work and got a chance to really encourage and uplift one of my divas about something that was bothering her. I’m tellin yall I’m on a roll! I love this outlook on life I really don’t wanna lose it.

And yay me yall would be soooo proud, there was a neighborhood fair going on this past weekend and I ran into my family for a sec and my selfish brat of a sister was there. She’s about 7-8 months preggo. I said hi to her and she said hi to me! Ain’t yall proud?  I even told her I loved her and didn’t go off on her yet again for leaving my baby walking around the neighborhood for 3 hours alone and stranded a couple months back Yay me!  I didn’t get the usual urge to choke her or anything. I’m so proud of myself lol.

My other sis came over last night and did lexy’s hair and listened to the cd’s we got a chance to hang. I love hanging with her she is like the fun little sister. Always so bubbly and happy no matter what’s goin on.

Got hacked but I’m back thank God OD is back up. Okay that’s enough for me OH OH! AND IMMA NEED all of my faves that blocked a sister to UNBLOCK Me MMKAY? Thanks sweeties buh bye .





~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~

Proverbs 25:28



There are so many people searching for truth, searching to find God and understand. Unfortunately, most of them want to know how to find peace while living in sin. They don’t want to give up their lifestyle(repentance). They want to feel good about themselves and convince themselves that God is happy with them the way they are. The "new age" preachers have come up with a formula — simply redefine God. As if we are here to just hang out and do what pleases us.


This is a time of separating the wheat from the chaff. Everyone will have to take a stand on one side or the other. It’s all a part of the process of the Second Coming. I pray that Christians everywhere will not fall prey to these deceiving doctrines. ~ Starting Over (od member)



~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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September 2, 2008

“Okay that’s enough for me OH OH! AND IMMA NEED all of my faves that blocked a sister to UNBLOCK Me MMKAY? Thanks sweeties buh bye .” Say What? I be confused.

September 2, 2008

I would never block you…unless you call me “cheeks” LOL

September 2, 2008

who in the world would block you? anyway im glad things are going well and that you enjoyed your weekend.

I’m glad things are going great for you but jealous that you keep got to hang out with Tameca again. ryn: LOL, that would have been funny. Mike didn’t even know that Andy did that. He doesn’t think that kind of stuff is funny. I will admit that I giggled a little.

September 2, 2008

Aw girl- look at you!! I’m beyond proud of you!! You sound like you’re in a good place and I’m so happy for you. *hugs* RYN: thanks girl! Those eyes get me everytime! I really like him a lot. 🙂 Oh, and I live near Ft Wayne. Ill be going to Indy every few weeks, we have to meet up, I’d love that!

September 3, 2008

Cheerful entry! ” You know what? You have no power over me! I’m grown baby and I’m so free!” Amen and amen!! Now lemme go read the entries I missed. p.s. You give me a good 35?? Not even 45? What am I going to do with my wrinkles? LOL. (I do have my Termi style, in case you haven’t noticed. LOL.) :))

I dont have you blocked as far as I know. glad your on a good coast for a whle! God bless you