Its Okay

Got on the scale today after a week of working out and I’ve gained 2 lbs . It’s Okay

I know my eating hasn’t been the best and I’m just getting back into this so I’m not tripping about it at all. Getting ready to head to the gym in about an hour or so.

Also have a show in Indianapolis tonight. We’ll be leaving here at 5:30PM headed to Indy takes about 1.5 hours to get there no biggie.

I’ve been asked to do a show in Nashville, TN Next month with the crew I tour with so I may be in the area for that venue if any of my friends are there come on out.

Time to clean up and listen to my new Roots Come Alive CD.

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Woooo, It’s darn chilly in the house this morning, I almost turned the heat on momentarily But I figure my heat is set to go off at about 60 automatically so if I can’t handle that, I have a problem. Late last fall I got an electric mattress pad so I still have that to throw on the bed at night before we really use the heater. I’m hoping I can get by with this for 2-3 weeks and just run the heater

briefly to take the chill out of the air in the morning as we get ready for work. Towards November though I doubt that would work as I would have a greater risk of pipes breaking the colder it gets….

my weight fluctuates by 3-5 lbs, sometimes more with fluid retention with this darn arthritis. But it is usually with in the same 3 lbs…After over 2 years of working out wiht out change, I finally added some protien shakes , I usually o nly get one a day but require a lot more, I started to see a shifting and a little more muscle build. Make sure y our getting lots and lots of protien!

September 24, 2011

Gains are always a tough pill to swallow but you have a great attitude! If you stick to a good meal plan this next week along with your exercise you should see a great loss! Keep up the good work! 🙂

Wow, a trip to Nashville to tour would be exciting. Have you all traveled that far for any other shows?