It’s Freezing Friday Folks

Whew it is REALLY COLD outside today. Weather man says the temp is 9 degrees with a windchill factor of -2. I’m sorry but THIS sistah was NOT going running out in that mess today lol. I think Now i can rededicate going to the gym. I sincerely hate with a passion running for a long slow distance on a dreadmill. Thank God for MP3 Players and old school cd walkman’s (when the mp3 players batteries run out lol).

All the snow that fell yesterday has melted and there are a few patches of ice but I’ll be okay. TODAY is payday yayyyyyy!!! I know I’ll be broke by the time I get done paying bills and getting the last of my christmas shopping out of the way, but it’s better than nothing. Gotta put some gas in my car cause the light is on lol. DH says in weather like this, to never let the tank go below half a tank. Oops my bad. I have to stay on top of that.

All of the Christmas programs and things will soon be coming to an end,  we only have one more week for christmas dance program rehearsal and singing songs for the childrens program (which I am in charge of). And then Lexy’s cheerleading competition is in January so we only have a few more practices for that. Then the running around comes to an END. Well that is until little Quincy’s pee wee basketball teams start their practices in January.  This will be his first year playing basketball and he’s actually naturally very good at shooting and dribbling and doing layups. Heck I can’t do a lay up to save my life lol.

Ya know what?  I sometimes complain about having to do so much running around and when will I ever get rest and blah blah blah whine whine,  but in all honesty I really like that I have these things to do. I think if I didn’t have all of these things to do I would be sitting around moping that I have no life and that I’m always bored. And probably gaining more weight in the process. So I’m thankful for my busy life,  even though it gets on my nerves sometimes lol.

Tomorrow our men’s mnistry will be having a men’s prayer breakfast and I’ve posted up flyers and invited all of the men that I could think of that might be interested. It’s this Saturday @ 9am-12pm and my DH is really excited about it. As a matter of fact at our old church that was how he was able to open up and the recieve the men and build a bond between the brothers at the old church. when he was a new christian the mens ministry in our old church would get together and have prayer or go bowling or just hang sometimes to strengthen the bond in them and he really benefited from that. And now at our new church a couple of the guys from the old church are at this new church with us and they wanted to get something going like that and my DH is excited about it. I pray everything goes well. Sometimtes they would walk the streets witnessing and praying,  sometimes they meet at the church and discuss leadership roles,  and sometimes they just meet to have an ear from another man of God. Heeding Godly counsel. I think this is a phenomenal thing that they have going and it’s going to encourage those that are new christians and those that just need a brother to talk to in the Lord.  I pray that all goes well for that venue and that lots of men show up for the prayer breakfast.

Well before I leave I must give a word for the day:

Romans 10:17

Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

Hebrews 11:6

Without faith it is impossible to please him: he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently see Him

Have you built up some faith to get you through the day? Are you diligently seeking him? Use the word daily to feed your spirit and soul.


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My church has 2 different weekly mens bible study breakfast. I keep trying to get my dad to go but he won’t go. He’s always complaining that he gets bored during the day. I’m not sure why he won’t go, he was very involved with it in our old church in OKC.

December 8, 2006

I am not a big bible/religion person, but come christmas, I am with the remainder of the world singing the old songs and whats not. So Happy Holidays!

Ryn: That’s good that you celebrate Jesus’ birth. We do too. We’ve always made sure our kids know what Christmas is really about. Here is the recipe for the creme de menthe chip cookies. They are really easy and would be good for you party.

Creme de menthe cookies 1 3/4 sticks of butter (melted) 2 eggs 2 pks of Betty Crocker sugar cookie mix 1 pk of Andes Creme de menthe chips Mix butter and eggs with mixer, mix in the sugar cookie mix, once mixed welll add the creme de menthe chips and mix well again. Spoon spoonfuls on ungreased cookie sheet and bake at 375* for 8 -10 minutes. Enjoy!

December 8, 2006

I think I will suggest something similar at my own church!

More churches need to have a strong men’s ministry….if there was, I would probably still be in the church…my husband converted and became lost without leadership and then we became frustrated. Your husband is right about the gas tank. In fact, my parents also stressed this not only because of the dangers of getting stuck in the cold with an empty tank but also because when you go belowhalf a tank, the sediment in the gas can clog your fuel line.

December 8, 2006

I love to see Men’s Ministry at work. I love to see Godly men period. They have such a strong, confident stance about them. I pray your husband has a good time and continues to benefit from the fellowship. I just moved to Cinti in October. Thanks for adding me. 😀

Cool entry…i just reading about your day in and day out stuff…i would love to hear how you and your man of God met…have a BLESSED, BLESSED weedend!!! And thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers 🙂

lol I can’t play basketball either to save my life. I cant make a basket standin right under the net lol. i got the Christmas shoppin done, lol. so it’s all good, however i am very broke and it sucks lol. i have to wait till Friday to have money again, and part of that is goin on bills lmao

December 8, 2006
