Is yoga harmless?


Okay i don’t know what just happened there but my whole entry disappeared lol.
I know quite a few christians that yoga and I’ve cone across this many many times about the info on yoga. A fave of mines posted this and with her permission I took it and posted it here. I promise to update with the strategic prayer and joseph and jacob anointing soon i promise.  In the meantime read Is yoga harmless:
Last year the Muslim authority banned Moslems to take up yoga.  However, in my church (Catholic) there are differences as to whether it is suitable for Christians or otherwise.
A friend of mine who has been taking yoga for 5 years and who happens to  be one of my buddy intercessors, after reading the info below, has renounced yoga.  She said she is so good at all the poses and she could do the "snake/cobra" one perfectly.   I am so happy for her of her decision.  Our elder in the Charismatic renewal definitely says "no" to yoga.
Read on….
Subject: FW: #5 Yoga & Christianity – It Yoga Harmless?

HI friends,
 On Wednesday, I attended a talk by an ex-yoga teacher,  Mdm PohShon Choy, who sold her yoga centre (earning lots of money giving yoga lessons) and severed all ties with yoga.
She urges us to inform relatives, friends, Family members,etc., NOT to get involved in it at all. For those who had taken up yoga lessons (hot yoga, power  yoga, so on),  repent and ask God for forgiveness.

Many claimed that they only join to keep fit, only doing  the exercise poses and not meditation.

Christians think it is ok so long as they don’t  participate in the Meditation part. Mdm Choy explains that the central of Yoga  (originated from Hinduism) is the spirit of Kundalini (spirit Of snake or cobra).
Yoga poses are actually animal poses (e.g. camel, rabbit,).All these  look very normal and harmless, stretching and exercising. But the danger  is, once a person does such poses, the spirit of Kundalini  (the snake is in a coiled position) is stimulated or aroused.

As the persons goes from basic to intermediate to advance stage of yoga lessons (still not meditation yet), the coiled "snake" will be aroused further. It will rise and rise further.
There are 7 centres in the human body. Starting from the  navel, the  final centre is the part between the eye brows (known to  many as the third eye). When the spirit is aroused to the final  centre, the third eye will be opened. This is called the full enlightenment. The first thing the person sees is demons. For some, they will become insane  seeing such horrifying demons.
For others, they are not afraid and will have the power to  fore-tell other people’s health,problems,luck, etc (like a fortune teller).In fact, they manipulate and control other people.

The meditation part will come in very subtle. Mdm Choy said  she was approached by a couple who found her contact from the yellow pages  and told her they wanted to teach her new things about yoga.
She was very keen and sat under their teaching. She learnt how to  meditate and it must be done in odd hours of the day (past midnight).
So she tried. She actually felt a wriggling feeling in her stomach! She also mentioned that her third eye was opened. She could see her own aura (electric fields in all human beings).
Her turning point came when God caused her spiritual eyes  to open – she witnessed a lady being delivered, wriggling like a snake on  the floor.
Mdm Choy thanked God for being gracious to her, she took 1-2 weeks to be delivered. She knows of a lady who took 3 months to be cleansed!!
It is a sad thing, there is even yoga lessons for children.
In the  States, a Methodist started the Christian yoga. However, there are some believers who still continue, saying that they find no harm  after doing yoga for 3 years. Mdm Choy says it is our soul that is  in danger. The evil one will try all ways to ensnare/trap  Christians.
Someone in the class raised a question – if we have The Holy Spirit,  how can the spirit of Kundalini be aroused? Mdm Choy  replied our God  is a holy God, the Holy Spirit will be grieved and will depart.. God
 cannot be mocked. God’s spirit left King Saul when he disobeyed God.  To God, rebellion spirit is witchcraft.

We are not against yoga teachers, yoga students but we are  fighting against powers, principalities in the Spiritual realm.
 Let’s be on guard, be aware!

 Anna Ang B N






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WOW, i knew there had to be something wrong with yoga, i didnt know where it had originated that alone makes me wanna stay as far away. I’m glad i never got into that, and now reading this i won’t. I want nothin to do with that mess, and heck who wants to see demons?? and those who aren’t scared, most likely arent’ saved anyway. ME, i’d be OUTTA there lol. Soo yeah, wow. That was some interestinginformation. Thanks for sharing.

I find this posting very interesting. I do not agree, but it does make an interesting argument. Have a great weekend! Smooches…

Interesting…. ryn: She wasn’t invited to “Annie”. LOL, she wanted to see it but she has to stay home with the baby.

I think this is a bit much and I think if your looking for a different spiritual path with yoga you may find it but for people stretching and breathing for more vitality and flexibility than that’s what they will find.

February 12, 2009

Wow! I can’t say I agree either but I’d love to hear a good debate on that one!

so far i seem to be the only one who agrees. hmmm, well i still want no part of yoga

February 13, 2009

Hmm… what to say? Except God has yet to convict me of it. Even with this information; I’m still not convinced. Feels like all the big hoopla over Halloween.

February 13, 2009

LOL, o.k. o.k. so I can’t resist. There have been times God has really spoken to me during Power Yoga… b/c it actually slowed my mind down enough to hear Him. There are times I’ve felt His loving embrace in the rest positions just as I have during a worship service. Say what you want, but you know personally it hasn’t affected my walk with God 😀 If anything it’s enhanced it and opened up lines of communication from a busy-body mind that thinks too much 😉

February 13, 2009

So on the flip side…I don’t think it’s harmless. I have watched shallow Christians become swayed by New Age thinking in doing Yoga (there faith wasn’t really deep to begin with…so it isn’t very suprising), but this often has to do with those teaching it to. I take the scripture from Paul regarding meat sacrificed in rituals…(1 Corinthians 10:23-33) where if it cuases my brother to stumbleI need to stop…my spiritual liberty kind of thing. Specifically I keep this as my guard: “‘Everything is permissible’—but not everything is beneficial. ‘Everything is permissible’—but not everything is constructive. Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.” (1 Cor. 10:23-24) I also have this verse that speaks loudly to me…that all origination of things on earth are created by God… “For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.” Colossians 1:16 Always keeping in mind that just excercise in of itself is not evil. Much like our Christian holidays of Christmas & Easter were pagan holidays turned Christian.

February 13, 2009

(c) Yoga in of itself is not “un-sanctifiable”. If you catch my drift. B/c if we hold this standard with Yoga; then we need to question or very celebration of Christmas…it’s not even on the right day and most of our “Christmas” cards are quite historicly wrong. I think in this day in age an argument like this is quite secondary. Primarily we need to be more concerned in our relationship with Christ (those two greatest commandments quote by Jesus). This is quite secondary. 🙂 I’m done mind preaching now. 😀 LOL!