I’m still alive and doing pretty good

Hey guys,

I’m doing good I stopped working at the place of employment on 04/08/08,  and I’ve been at home and just resting and relaxing and for some odd reason I haven’t had an urge to get on the computer until tonight. Seriously. ROG is still in motion and I have another concert tomorrow. (I promise to post some clips yall please be patient with me).

 Went to Cleveland over the weekend to go to a church service of one of our favorite pastors and just to get on the road and have a family getaway and hooked up with Ms Marlycia for lunch. That was so cool. BTW she’s more beautiful in person and those girls are adorable. I’ll post pics of that soon!  Yay for OD hookups lol.

We’ve had all hell break Loose in the group and currently one of the girls is out and not singing with us and going through a serious problem in her marriage. But we have so many engagements it’s crazy! We’ll be in Greensboro NC in the end of August.

Through all of our ups and down these past few weeks and believe me there have been some SERIOUS Critical ups and downs,  God has kept us and we know that for the Devil to attack us so bad God must be getting ready to rocket launch us into his destiny for us. And I just want to continually serve him notice that he is already defeated and gets no glory out of our lives.

I am currently spiritually and naturally carrying the mantle of marriages to the throneroom for relationships around me and it’s a serious burden right now for me. But through it all God is showing me how to be a VIrtuous wife and Mother. This is HUGE. As you all know I never had a mother in my life so I asked God to show me how to be one and he is blowing my mind. I am doing things I never thought possible through the power of God and inspired teaching.

I don’t have time to talk as much as I’d like to i gotta get up early tomorrow but I just wanted to let yall know I love yall and I’m OK and that God is just doing a work in me right now.



~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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Good to hear from you. I’m praying with you. Smooches…

its good to hear from ya girlie, i was gonna note and and ask how ur doing. long time no hear, hehe

Nice to hear from you and glad your getting some down time and refreshing change in. *praying*

I’m glad you updated! That is so cool that you got to meet Tameca! I’m glad you all had a nice visit. I can’t wait to see pictures.

April 30, 2008

“As you all know I never had a mother in my life so I asked God to show me how to be one and he is blowing my mind. I am doing things I never thought possible through the power of God and inspired teaching.” Oooooh….let me hear some of that testimony girl! Details! I wanna hear the power of God, b/c I’ll be needing some of that divine motherhood in the future. ((HUGS)) Actuallyjust thinking of you yesterday on OD. Wondering how you were doing and if you didn’t have internet access at home 🙂 I’ll be joining you in taking those marraiges to the throne room.

April 30, 2008

Aww! I love getting to meet faves!! I still think and pray for ya hun. *hugs*

May 1, 2008

Always appreciate your openness and sharing what is going on with you.

May 5, 2008

That is quite a Church ministry you visited. The choir for some reason can be a major source of discontentment. We tried having a gospel group in our Church but it was sabotaged every step of the way. A series of bloopers and miscommunications shipwrecked the effort. I’ll tell you about it sometime. Unbelievable.