I’m so happy I could cry

I cannot completely express in words how grateful I am to God! I am amazed at the spiritual fruit that are multiplying in my life right now. This is not about material blessing or even natural blessings for that matter. Spiritually God is blessing me left and right and I just cannot contain it yall. I mean I cannot contain the joy that the Lord has placed in me. The opportunity to minister about the love of God and the peace of God and the salvation of God,  and the restoration of God is coming to ME. I don’t even have to go out into the highways and byways to compel men they are coming to ME?!?!?

Some of you may not understand my joy right now but I have to tell it. Hell is breaking around me naturally but in the spirit Heaven is breaking hell down!!!! Hallelujah!

Incase you haven’t picked up on it yet. This is one of those spiritual entries. I can’t go too far into detail but for the servants of God that read me. Those that minister and have a burden for souls let me tell you… the harvest is ripe as a grape getting ready to burst! People are needing a solution that man cannot give. That solution is Jesus.


Jesus Loves us soooooo much. If we could understand the magnitude of his love it would drive us crazy. That no matter what happened to us in our past or even in our present and though sometimes we can’t understand the things that go on in our lives or WHY we are the way we are. Jesus is still there loving us. Even in our own confusion Jesus is just sitting back and waiting on us to give our burdens and our problems, and our hurts, and our disappointments to him. He said for us to lay aside every weight and sin that so easily besets us. To take his yoke upon us. For his yoke is easy and his burden is light. enter into his rest. It’s time to let it go in 2007 yall! NO more bound to emotions and circumstances. LET IT GO. He’s just waiting for you to let it go. and when you are ready to let it go he IS going to send SOMEONE to minister to you and help you with letting it go.  As you let go of those things that burden you down. He’s going to replace that emptiness with substance that will keep you. Let go of the emptiness and recieve what God has for you. Cause guess what? it’s unique and it’s just for you. What God has for you is for you only! Isn’t that great?!?! Yep your just that special.








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January 2, 2007


January 2, 2007

;o) Thanks

I love the graphic. I think I posted that in my diary once. I know that I received it as an email.

January 2, 2007

i like your graphic!!


Great!! Continue to work in your gifts!! Smooches…

Whoa…this is truly a timely word for me, right down to the second matter of fact. THANK YOU for taking the time to type it out and share with those in need. Bless you! Bless you! Bless you!

January 3, 2007

Thank you so much for ministering to ME! God is indeed working through you, me and all who will receive Him.

RYN: he should be able to sell it to her now cause she finally came up with the money to pay off the stuff on her credit that was preventing her from gettin that loan.

Wow! That graphic is deep. I love how you just let your heart flow through your post. Go head sistah.