I’m here

To my faves that keep up with me thank you for the notes of concern.

I’m still here and doing fine. I just really haven’t had much to say lately. I’ve been ok I guess. Kinda somber last week. Then I found out that the Bishop of our church’s wife passed away. I’m still kinda sad about that. She was such a beautiful person. Her spirit was like a jewel. She had so much class and elegance but was real at the same time. And she and the Bishop were soooooo in love. I mean they’d been married 36 years and would act like lovebirds in the pulpit and anywhere else. I know Bishop is really going through it right now and I’m keeping the families lifted in prayer as well as the ministries that they reside over. Although I miss her and will grieve a little while I’m also overjoyed because another Angel has just received her wings,  her beautiful jewel encrusted crown her robe that is white and piercing like lightning and she’s entering her mansion and resting in her daddy’s arms. Shoot I’m almost jealous lol. But seriously in loving memory of Minister Rosalyn Beason:


In other news: We’ve been preparing for our debut concert Feb 29th and I’m soooooo excited. We’ve had other venue’s and opportunities come our way to  minister and perform and we haven’t even had our very first concert yet lol! The city of Cincinnati has asked us to perform for the Dress for Success luncheon held at the Cintas Center on APril 25th, and we have some folk in Colorado asking us to come out and minister also to speak in a seminar on Praise and Worship. God is so good yall!!!! In proverbs 16:18 says The Lord will make room for your gift and cause you to go before great men. I am sooooo taking God at his word. Because we never in a million years thought that doors would be opening the way that they are. WE have our business end flowing smoothly. WE have our tax id,  our name is registered with the state. We’ve purchased our PO Box and opened up our account for the group. We have a very seasoned production manager that has asked US if he can work with us because God has revealed some things to him and he is doing this voluntarily until the provision is available for us to compensate him. We have well known highly respected musicians knocking down our door to work with us and they haven’t even heard our material yet but the 2 musicians that we voted on coming out and helping were God ordained to come out. THe reason we know is because our producer/elder/minister of music was in prayer and God showed him these musicians right before they called him lol. It’s just amazing to see how God is working. Our biggest obstacle right now is funding to complete the Kingdom Sound project so we are soliciting sponsorship from some major companies  and minor if they have an interest for that now. As a matter of fact if you know of anyone that would like to help puhlease let a sistah know. I will send donation information. Here are the details of the concert for all that want to know:

Who: R.O.G. (Reflections of God)

What: Debut Concert Themed: ‘A Kingdom Sound’

When: February 29, 2008 @ 8:00 Pm (doors open @ 7:30PM Seating is limited)

Where: H.O.P.E. Word Church of Christ 5015 Reading Rd.,  Cincinnati,  OH 45237

For contact information and concerns Please send emails to ReflectionsofGod@gmail.com, and http://www.myspace.com/ReflectionsofGod/

Okay that’s enough shameless plugging for now lol.

Back to life………

My car is officially gone. I’ve been sharing Quincy’s car and that is a headache within itself but we are looking now. As much as I don’t want to begin to pay a carnote (the stratus was paid off) I may have to. I have fought this tooth and nail but  oh mighty wise one(Quincy) is advising me on this because I don’t want to chance driving a cheap car up and down the highway 30 miles one way daily and having the same thing happen again. It would be better to get a good working car with a warranty and more space(minivan or suv). We went to a place yesterday and I am getting my credit report pulled from my credit union to see if how much of a loan I qualify for. This will NOT get me very far lol. I once tried applying for an ATM card and got turned down so you KNOW they aren’t approving me for a car loan lol. But it atleast WOULD be nice to get one at a discount from my credit union and then have them automatically deduct the carnot payments. That would be a load off my back.

Also this weekend is Quincy’s birthday and I have no idea what to do. He wants some expensive suede suit but the way our finances are looking right now I dunno what I can afford. Every year I have some type of get together or do something really nice for him but when my birthday comes around we’re always dead broke and don’t get to celebrate. That issue has got to be fixed. Then Lil Quincy’s birthday is Feb. 17th. Jesus help me please! I don’t know how we’re gonna afford all this buy a new car AND pay monthly bills. I promised myself not to stress out about much anymore and I’m gonna hold fast to that.

Welp that’s the gist of things on me. Not much else to talk about. See ya later guys.



~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.



e (OD member)




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January 28, 2008

Can relate to the car-sharing thing right now. You don’t realize how much you use the 2nd car until it’s gone. Especially when you have 2 people working. It’s madness. 🙂 ((HUGS))

January 28, 2008

Sorry to know about the bishop’s wife. But she sure is happy in paradise. I wish I live nearby so that I could go to your concert. Oh, you should be excited. Be blessed. Happy Birthday to Quincy! God bless.

Your bishop will be in my prayers. I’m sorry to hear of his wife’s passing. She looks like she was a very nice lady. Good luck withyour concert.

Why do birthdays become such a big financial burden? Find creative ways to celebrate that do not cause financial hardship. One part of being a Christian is being good stewards of our gifts, all of them! Smooches…

January 28, 2008

peace to you and the bishop’s family. and i highly advocate purchasing a used honda. i have had mine for over 2 years with absolutely NO problems. hondas 4 life!

January 29, 2008

Sorry to hear about the loss you and your church family are experiencing…she looks so young…. As for the birthday…Arlycia still didn’t get that party she was promised in January…and January’s bout over….birthday’s are starting to suck, we’re gonna have to find another way to celebrate them, one that isn’t so costly.