I Understand Lord




Received a prophetic Word that I would soon have a temptation come my way and try to cause me to compromise to dishonor God from the enemy and to resist it and trust God. God wants me to pass the test.

I was on my toes waiting for the temptation and it finally came. In many different forms today now that i think back on it. I think every area of my life that I am trying to allow the Lord to change all hit me today. The Holy Spirit stopped me in my tracks today and reminded me of God’s promises and that my ALMOST compromise was simply because I’d taken my focus off of God. My fast,  my devotion,  it all was in vain according to the way I’ve been looking at it. Trying to cut off things that I thought were hinderances when actually it was just a set of rules and limitations that I’d set for myself and instead of following God’s rules for this consecration I made it a contest to see how long i could abstain and discipline myself. Yes discipline was the key but my mindset was not right and I noticed that TODAY. I haven’t sinned or fell off or anything but my mind had not yet been changed. And earlier today I’d made a decision that I would hold back something from God just because of the people that see that blessing proving that it wasn’t about what tabs they’d kept on me until I got tapped again and God reminded me that what I do it unto his Glory not there’s so whether they talk about it keep tabs on it or not it is MY responsiblity to give it. It is a part of my worship and if i knowingly give it up just because i am shorting HIM. He wants to see exactly HOW much faith I have in him. So I went to get it straight and found out I’d had Exactly just enough of what I needed to Give back to God. And I went into worship and all I can say right now it Lord I understand. I understand. I understand and thank you for protecting me and keeping me from falling!!!!! Hallelujah! I understand and I trust you no matter what! That was my repentance.

Yanno alot of people think that repentance means saying your sorry. That is not repentance. Repentance is actually defined as  "Changing ones mind" God repented plenty of times on reaping destruction to the israelite children for their disobedience when the men of God would stand in the gap for the people and plead their cases. So in essence when we say we are sorry and we’ll never do it again that is simply confession to God about what you’ve done wrong but when you Repent you are changing your mind about your actions. Well tonight i have "changed my mind" by revelation of God’s Word into my spirit and I feel so refreshed!!!! This is my breakthrough and I believe it’s just round one!

We had our  concert today in the biggest church I have ever stepped foot and God moved mightily!! The Word that was brought forth from the prophetess and our mentor was powerful! We have gotten more engagements off of that someone taped it and so hopefully I can post it soon. But amazingly enough a woman walked up to me and began to prophesy to me. She said my sister you are on a journey. And God is going to cause you to travel!!! That sound has to get out to the world to the kingdom and not just within the four walls of the church. Get ready to travel. THIS YEAR. My sister trust him and HE will do it. But you my sister have an anointing that the Lord Has to share with his kingdom! Then she got excited praised God and walked Away. And I receive it! She confirmed somethings in me that God was already speaking into my life.

Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:



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The Enbrel is what I have been taking and it is effective but is what is making the weight gain. That’s right I just read that in the bible that God repented. It was the first time I had read that. I am trying to read the bible in a year and frankly, I had to skip many chapters in Leviticus cause I couldn’t take reading about the sacrifices basically over and over again and the length of the

temples and stuff. I’m glad you got through your challenges! I’m glad the concert was soo fabulous!

February 1, 2010

Sis, I agree about that “repentance” bit. No use saying “I am sorry” and that’s it without changing our mindset or behavior. Ah… with the Lord’s help, we’ll get there. Amen? Sis, thanks for sharing your godly moments always.