I see light at the end of the tunnel lol

Okay so after a long extended entry with no notes LOL (musta been too much for ya) I have a really good update. The Pastor that spoke a word into the atmosphere last week was very accurate. Also  a good friend of mines translated bits of the dream for me which sparked me to realize that this dream (read last entry if you missed it) symbolized my past, present and future. I will post her reply in just a moment but first I have exciting news for me lol.

So I took Quincy to visit this same church that I visited last week because the Holy Spirit told me that he was REALLY going to like it. The Kids LOVE it. I on the other hand have to get used to it. I am an avid worshiper and though the church has an excellent worship leader the congregation themselves really don’t get into it the way that I’m used to. I try to behave myself when in the midst of an unfamiliar group of people but Worship is just a part of me and when I connect with the spirit of God I speak in my heavenly language,  I cry,  I sing,  I laugh,  I dance or sway. It’s not overbearing or anything and I’m not one of those screaming and running up and down the aisle types (as of recently But I definitely used to be LOL). Also I’m not used to the choir thing. I love choirs but honestly I haven’t been in a church with a full fledged choir in a LOOOONNNNGGG time. There has always just been the praise and worship team and maybe on special occasions the choirs would come together and sing something but the pause and emotional over singing is a bit much for me. AND I’M a SINGER LOL! That I will have to get used to. As well as seeing people that I know. Not know intricately or anything but just in general. This is a huge church so THAT was bound to happen but I guess visiting that last church really spoiled me haha. Anyways I think this is part of the STRETCHING process. The Word of God here is EXCELLENT,  worship,  men and children’s ministries and all. And it really does appeal to my family as opposed to the other church that we were visiting my kids just really didn’t like it and neither did my husband. I want to be in a place where the whole family is excited about going to church and not feeling obligated and I see that this is the place. Of course I told my hubby that he has to make the decision where we join but God has seriously been getting on my case about recommitting to ministry and I need the structure of regular fellowship to do that. He was literally blown away with the entire service the church and all so this is a very very good thing.

PLUS in the midst of the holiday weekend I get a calll from a family member about the last pastor stirring up more strife with folks and lieing yet again and talking about people behind their backs. I just can’t deal with that and I’ve known every since God got on my case about it but I think it has finally resonated with my husband that we just cannot go back to that messiness. I was asked to sit in a meeting about it with my family cause my family member was to the point of throwing blows at the man. So it was basically a round table discussion identical to the one that we had when I met with him and others that he’d been lieing on. All I could do was shake my head in disbelief. I guess some people never learn. Welp that is about to be a closed chapter in my life lol. I’m so stress free in that light.

BUt on to the interpretation of my dream,  a good friend of mines with a kindred spirit was able to translate some parts of the dream which spurred me to think deeper about it. If you need a review you can go back one entry. It’s friends only so if you need  to be added as a friend please request it.  but here is her translation:

‘Wow Babe, that was quite a story!!! a friend and I were just talking how we are His slaves..
I have not prayed a lot about your dream but I saw a few things that you can pray into. I will not be offended if these don’t jive in your spirit . Sorry, wish I had more solid input.   Dream one:   you are going back to an old place, you obviously didn’t belong there (old church? Group?)  becuz you didn’t leave, as you must have been instructed to, there was "pain" for the "members".  Maybe cuz you weren’t listening to Quincy..
One "obvious one" was the kid, that one seemed to be a young abandoned babe in Christ that you found but were unable to care for becuz it was not your place to, not your place (location either). You were not to clean up his mess, God had others available for that job and someone you must have trusted as you gave her the child.   So you keep looking…. for your "calling" (place to pour out yourself, commit yourself)
    What I got out of other parts of the dream(s) is that you are looking too small for your "place", you are looking for a big place (church) in a small part of the world and you are suppose to be poured out to the world. (you ended up in London to start out with).  Bigger bigger bigger
Don’t get anything about the "chicken eatin pastor"… Just his attitude sounded: "whatever"  (but you don’t really trust pastors right now anyway so …..)
Light skinned guy trying to get your attention could have been from "Macedonia"  (Paul’s vision( (or "London")
I’m not convinced that was an angel with you, maybe a prophet as you stated in the word that the pastor had  "God will always send a prophet into your midst woman of God"   I mean an angel would have shown you where your "seat" was, guided you, and he would have known if you were in NC or London or where ever. But a prophet’s "guess" when you were "translated" was a guess cuz God had not revealed that to him. An angel would have known that.
Thanks for writing all of your thots I love it. Reminds me of the way I used to do. I miss it!   
I hope my thots don’t confuse you more."

This basically spurred on a lot of things that make sense.

Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:



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I didn’t note on that last one? I read it, I must have wanted to come back to it to note on it thoughtfully. I’m glad your hubby enjoyed the new church. yeah it’s great when you can please everyone for sure! Nice to have that interpretation.

July 7, 2010

Sis, that’s great and am glad that you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.