I lost 5 lbs!!!! Yayyy for me

Like i said i could feel the switch of gears in energy so i hoped that was an indicator of some weight loss and I’ve been drinking juice waters as my son calls them (crystal lights) nonstop and peeing and sweating and all that stuff.  So I’d hoped something came off lol.

I’d say 5 lbs is a wonderful outcome considering I went WAYYYYY over my points 3 out of the 7 days but the rest I stayed on track so I’m happy.

Today was run around day so I didnt get any exercise in unless you count running around all day exercise. Big Q got my nails and toes done again yippee! I’d say that was a good 5 lb loss reward. Plus he really loves to see my nails and toes done. It’s a man thing I guess lol.Hey if it floats his boat I’m one happy gal Obliged. 

So glad to see my faves getting in shape! How delightful! The break of the weather is just really inspiring me yall. I think I can see this 30 lbs in 20 weeks thing coming into play.

Oh yeah the opening of Ikea was here March 12 and it was all the craze so we decided to check it out. I wasn;t impressed. At all. The furniture is small and it’s circa 70’s disco days themed. Made me think of target really. They have beautiful color schemes for duvay’s and sheet sets and some great college dorm organization materials but that was the gist of what we saw. it is a pretty big facility though. And I was irritated because there were just TOO many people. I cannot get comfortable when it’s that many people manuevering around me.

Okay so that’s all I have. Oh yeah and the Group and I talked things out and we are cool now and have an understanding. So hopefully they come to church tomorrow on time but if they don’t so what I’m not gonna get frustrated. Pray for me yall lol.

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~

Proverbs 25:28

~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.

Ronnie (OD member)




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Way to on the weight loss!!! Tell your ladies that it is being disrespectful when they are being late. I tell that to my habitually late co workers. And yet these same people are the ones when I am there early, wanting to grab me and give me report so they can go off duty early. I tell them that they disrespect me and others when they don’t show up on time, make us late giving report and getting out on time and then have the nerve to want me (and other early people) to go to work as soon as we are there(early) so they can leave. I don’t mind taking report from people who get there early for me, too. It is a 2 way street. But don’t think you are going to get that treatment if you don’t do it for me….it is called R*E*S*P*E*C*T….Go Aretha!

I have not been to an IKEA…but I heard it is all Danish modern style furniture and not my style. I also heard it was like cheap ready made Target kind of furniture…certainly not ETHAN ALLEN or any good quality stuff.

Wow 5lbs is a nice pay off, happy exercising!

congratulations girlie girl.

Good stuff on the 5lbs. Keep it up! Smooches…

March 16, 2008

RYN: Thank you so much for the sweet note and blessings. I am working hard not to let the last minute prepartions get to me… however, I have to admit… wow, it is really hard. By the grace of God, all will be good. Congrats on the weight loss.. GREAT job! You have a blessed Sunday.. God be with you always.

March 16, 2008

Congrats on the 5LBS! Good job, girl!

March 16, 2008

congrats… your success is motivating me to tackle this beast.

March 16, 2008

Congrats, sis! Nice reward for your hard work. 🙂

March 16, 2008

Congrats on the 5 lbs loss!! *o/*

March 16, 2008

Glad things with the group was talked out and hopefully resolved. we visited a church yesterday that had a major split when the organist and his wife broke up. They were without any music except for the children’s choir singing acappella. Only two from the praise team showed up and didn’t wan to sing w/o the piano so that part of the service was cut, but still all and all the Lord blessed.

March 16, 2008

Gonna move my bike back into the room to sycle while studying the TV today. . . . . . . . What?

Congrats on the 5 lbs. I’m not impressed with Ikea either but people seem to love it. I’ve been to the store by Mall of AMerica once and that was enoug for me. I went there so excited because my friend Krista raved about the Chicago store. But….eh….

March 17, 2008

Glad you worked things out with your group. God bless.