I CANNOT believe it!!!!

I actually LOST some weight yall?!?! 0.6 obs lost. I honestly thought I had gained back all 5 pounds that I had lost last week so yall just don’t understand how monumental this is for me!!!! My eating and points were completely out of control because I was running around sooo much that I HAD to eat out all last week basically and I was so tired I only exercised like one day last week. This week, it’s time to get in the grind yall. I got paid so I can go back to the grocery store and pick up more of my healthy stuff. Remind my self the night before to pack lunches and pray that I can get to sleep at a reasonable hour (before 11PM) so that I can rise early in the morning for my workouts.

The funeral was..different.. It was for a baby. One of the girls in ROG couldn’t take it. She has 4 kids and the whole time we were there it was just heartbreaking. We sung our songs and I forgot one line in my lead but we kept going. They asked us to give another selection and it went by smoothly. The preacher preached a message that he believe the baby gave the sweetest praise ever and how He believes her first cry when she was born must’ve been so magnificent that it touched God on the throne and he just had to take her because her first praise ( her first yell) had to have been so beautiful that he wanted to keep her to himself. He read psalm 8:1 out of the mouthes of babes and infants you create perfect praise. He said just like Enoch’s worship was so wonderful to God that he just took him up he believes that is what happened to faith(babies name). She only made it for an hour but he said you have this one consolation….she never got to experience the corruption of sin in this world. She will always be your perfect little angel. No one or nothing got a chance to corrupt her. You don’t have to worry about her being molested,  abused,  or anything that would harm her. Because she gave the most magnificent praise to God and he loved it so much that he had to take her with him. It was a beautiful message.

THEN later that night we had Communion service. I was grieved in my spirit interceding for this event because of some division we’ve been having in the church lately. I prayed 1 1/2 hours before service started on the altar and all I could do was cry and sing. I began travailing in the spirit and it got to a point when I said,  ‘ok Lord you have to fix this because it can’t go on any farther’. Oh my gosh yall God Showed up and Showed OUT! The deacons and the elders conducted t he service for the first time and it turned out very well. After the praise and worship a Word came forth From God through me to put aside all your differences and worship me!  Kill out the enemy with worship, I can’t really remember the rest I was gone. My co-pastor came over and prayed with me after and the service went on and the we took communion. After we took communion we thanked and praised God for the meal and the floor was opened for declarations. MAN OH MAN some testimonies came forth that would BLOW your minds. And it was sooooo encouraging. And before the service was over Co-pastor got up and encouraged everyone and then the floodgates opened. She went into the Word that I Gave from God and also that kept coming forth all night to take the mask off. The theme of the night was unity. And she said we couldn’t leave until God’s unity was brought back into the BODY of Christ and in HOPE word. Then she apologized to the church and anyone that she has ever offended,  or if it seemed to them that her walk with God was not pleasing. ANd she pointed out some things that was going on in the church and that had been revealed to her about the relationships in our leadership breaking up and being hurt by pastor yet causing seperation. She began crying and she said its time to take the mask off we’re not here for show and we can’t continue to let the enemy divide us as a body and as hope word. She then said if there is anyone in here that is hurting right now I want you to stand to your feet. Almost half the church stood up. She then said now go to the person that you feel has hurt you. About more than half  of that half that stood up went over to the pastor. And she had us pray for reconciliation and for them to talk it out amongst themselves to resolve it in love and during the prayer deliverance came forth  and so much peace came forth. IT WAS AWESOME yall. I didn’t know whether to cry,  shout,  dance,  rest or what! As an intercessor to carry that burden of trying to stand in the gap against divison and seperation,  and knowing BOTH sides of the story it was just draining and depressing but to have it resolved and lifted I just marinated on it all night. And before we left everyone that was hurt made a declaration that they’ve left it at the altar no longer to pick it up. IT IS FINISHED! OMGosh yall I just  meditated on that. We went out to eat and there were just moments where I couldn’t even eat or talk. I was like on cloud 9 to have released that burden. WHAT A RELIEF! God had is way so mightily man it was just awesome! God is sooooo Good yall.

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~

Proverbs 25:28

~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.

Ronnie (OD member)




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March 22, 2008

Congrats on the loss, sis!

Wow sounds like some healing took place, that’s great. What beautiful words at he funeral. Glad you still lost! Thanks for the uplifting entry. Have a great weekend and Easter : )

yaay girlie awesome. wish i was losin some weight lol

March 22, 2008

YAY for the weight loss! I know you were so happy about that! :o) How sad to hve to attend a baby’s funeral. I don’t know if I ever could do that…

March 22, 2008

RYN: Yeah the baby is fine, no problems there. If he’s anything like he is inside of me when he is born, then I will definitely have my hands full because he is constantly on the move now. But I won’t complain! :o)


March 22, 2008

Congrats on the weight loss, that’s excellent!

March 22, 2008

that is just friggn’ awesome 😀

March 23, 2008

WOOHOO!! Good job!

Your picture is super huge and your entry is all squished on less than half the screen! Congrats on the weight loss! How sad that the funeral was for a baby. My parents lost their 4th child when he was 3 months old. My dad said recently that 48 years later it still feels a lot of sadness from it.

March 24, 2008

Yes, yes, YES! This is when you know God is in it. When we become vulnerable and allow ourselves to be opened. That must have been what the Lord wanted and seldom done or seen. Brokeness, that’s when he can use us. Thanks for sharing. I needed this.