hurricane ike hits ohio we’re ok power down tho

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~

Proverbs 25:28

There are so many people searching for truth, searching to find God and understand. Unfortunately, most of them want to know how to find peace while living in sin. They don’t want to give up their lifestyle(repentance). They want to feel good about themselves and convince themselves that God is happy with them the way they are. The “new age” preachers have come up with a formula — simply redefine God. As if we are here to just hang out and do what pleases us.

This is a time of separating the wheat from the chaff. Everyone will have to take a stand on one side or the other. It’s all a part of the process of the Second Coming. I pray that Christians everywhere will not fall prey to these deceiving doctrines. ~ Starting Over (od member)

~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.

Ronnie (OD member)

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September 15, 2008

Glad you’re o.k. 🙂

September 15, 2008

Hurricane Ike hit Ohio as well? Glad you are okay. ((hugs))

September 15, 2008

Be safe, sis!! Its been raining here, but finally better now!

Glad all is well.

September 17, 2008

“formula — simply redefine God” Amen and amen. Ain’t this the truth! So glad for transformation. More than a changed life, rather an exchanged one, Ours for His…Hellelujah forever!!!! And so glad for you and your testimony. I’m always encouraged by you, and I may tell you why.

September 17, 2008

Here’s why: Oh the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, Having neither to weigh thoughts, Nor measure words, but pouring them All right out-just as they are- Chaff and grain together- Certain that a faithful hand will Take and sift them Keep what is worth keeping and with the breath of kindness Blow the rest away!

September 17, 2008

RYN: yeah, we talk everyday thru text and Ive seen him a few times. Im going back this weekend. Im a little head over heels! 😉

Oh what a difference with the shoulder pain gone lately and the casts off. I am just soooo thankful. I still need prayers though G and I are at some really awful point. He messed around on me but is trying to make up for it.

If you reply back to the cheating, leave it private note ok? I don’t want my sister to read anything. I’ll talk to her about it when I am ready to. Thanks doll.