
Hello there. 

I really didn’t have much to write about I was just tired of that last post being listed. It’s kinda depressing lol.

Well last night I had a really good praying session with God. I haven’t prayed like that in a  LOONNNGGG time at home. Today Quincy went to work and ran into a superior on his job that we found out used to be my son’s pee wee football coach. The football coach was upset with how things were being run in Quincy’s department and Quincy got a chance to explain to him the floor’s frustrations,  and asked him about a job where the guy was lol. hey it doesn’t hurt does it? lol

Anyway,  just the fact that he was able to voice the feelings of the workers was a sign of favor in itself and guess what?!?! His bosses are in trouble LOL!

We went over his credit report and he is going to be able to clean his stuff up very easily Yessss! There’s only like 5-6 thousand dollars in debt on his end. Good news good news and with all this overtime he is able to knock some stuff down thank you JESUS!

Now me on the other end I know I have student loans alone totaling up to 21,000.00 so I’m not even excited about when we pull my credit report lol. But we refuse to file bankrupt I do believe that we will be able to get this debt down to a good credit rating and purchase a house.

Also things are really coming along with the Cd we have a coming out concert coming up in December so I’ll keep you guys posted on that. We will be going to the studio soon to record and get some songs copywritten and things. I’m so ready for this whole journey to take off. God has promised us over and over again through many men and women of God prophesying that we will be edifying the kingdom with our singing. I can’t wait. It feels so… near like an urgency in my spirit tells me that it is about to happen. But faith without works is dead. So I’m continuing to do my part and watch God do his lol.

Oh Yeah and guess what?!? Uncle came to church again, as well as my cousin. Two weeks in a row ain’t bad and you can tell he’s doing it for him and not for our family and he is really into the Word that comes forth. His girlfriend is a white woman and she comes out with him. Actually she was a lil nervous about dating him because she thought we wouldn’t approve. Shoot I told her,  " you could be purple and I wouldn’t care the greatest gift coming out of your relationship with him is his want and willingness to better and get a relationship with God, color does NOT matter lol."  My uncle has been on crack and other kinds of drugs since I was atleast 14 or 15 years old. He is clean right now!!! THat is AWESOME! Hallelujah!

Well I guess i did have alot to say lol. Oh well thanks for the prayers guys keep em coming.  

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


‘I grew up penecostal and I now attend an apostolic church, but I have long ago taken off the denominational boundaries. I’m sick of religion and tradition. I’m more concerned about relationship with God through Jesus Christ.’



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I hope your cousin continues to be clean and lead a good life. I hope things start looking up for your husband and his job. Those bosses do deserve to be in trouble.

Nothing wrong with white women, only one week out of the month. Amen for your Uncle cleaning up his act. I want a CD!

October 2, 2007


October 2, 2007

will definitely keep you in my prayers hon. miss hearing from ya

October 4, 2007

Praise God!

October 4, 2007

Happy for your uncle. Praise God.

October 5, 2007

Paying off debt makes one want to dance, eh? 🙂

Hey Mrs.D How have you been…