Hey Yall




WOW@! It has really been a while since I’ve been here.

I have so much to say but I don’t know how to get it all out. It’ll come believe me it will yall know I write books LOL.

Talk about change! Whew I have been through them for a little over a year and the more I get close to God the more I pull away from other stuff.

  • R.O.G.: I left ROG. God had been dealing with me on this for quite a while. 7 months to be exact. He told me to leave the group back in July and I took a break from the group but in my trying to make things work I came back about a month later worked feverishly to make way for gigs,  and opportunities to minister that ended in severe frustration. I traveled to a show 5 hours away alone because they all flaked out 2 days before the show and I refused to have ROG look bad by accepting an invitation to do something and then every one making up excuses at the last minute about showing. I scheduled Photo shoots for the album which had to be cancelled literally days before the shoot because someone decided if she couldn’t buy an outfit and get her hair done she wasn’t doing it but magically her hair was done on the day that we were supposed to take pictures. Then I was invited to a service at one of the girls church that incidentally her NEW pastor that was connected to all the old churches that the mess went down in literally tried to call me out in his sermon. They are all still involved with the messiness of that situation and I just don’t have time to deal with all that. But anyway God told me to walk away and I did. I sat them down let them know I was leaving and I left. It was hard. I felt like I was divorcing the group. I felt like God told me to leave those 7 months ago and I tried my best to make it work though we were in a separation type of state. When I finally made the call and broke it off I got 3 engagements to do some work in ministry so I know I made the right decision on this. It’s a big hit to the group because I wrote most of the material that we were singing to. i told them I don;t mind them singing my songs but I have a few that they cannot touch and under no circumstances are they allowed to record my songs.
  • Ministry – As you all know over the past year I’ve been visiting churches and I have yet to join one. I couldn’t figure out why it was so hard for me to get attached to a church. Beyond the whole fiasco last year I just haven’t had an unction to join a church in the Cincinnati Area. I have visited one church that really helped me throughout this transition but since my very first visit God has outright told me that NO this was not my church home. This place is simply a city of refuge for me. So while going through this whole transition I somehow managed to get connected to this ministry that preaches teaches and demonstrates the Kingdom of God specifically dealing with the Gospel the only Gospel that Jesus Christ preached and that was on the Kingdom of God. In learning about the kingdom of God  my mind has been blown. Not only has the Church been focusing on only certain aspects of salvation, faith, healing, deliverance, and prosperity and only preaching on that…. but I have yet to hear a church really talk about and teach what Jesus Christ preached, taught,  and demonstrated which was that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent (change your way of thinking) and be reconciled to the Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ. I have been attending virtual church via teleconferences email ministry with a body of believers that have gone beyond the religious hype of all the traditional, denominational, non-denominational and irrelevant practices that we the church observe and do that has nothing to do with any that Jesus Christ or the Apostles, the early church in the book of Acts did. I could go on and on about this but just know I have been involved in that ministry and the more that i learn about the kingdom of God the more God opens up to me about the Kingdom of God His revelation and how backwards and messed up the religious system that we call Church operates. In the midst of this renewing of my mind I have seen miracles, healings,  prosperity,  reconciliation in the most divine of ways around me and within me.  It’s amazing. Alot of people don’t understand what exactly it is that i am experiencing and they simply don’t understand the message of the Kingdom of God so I’ve been kind of shut out of all the religious circles and clicks of friends that I had. I say all the better i am stress free WEE! lol
  • Friends –  So speaking of friends I currently have none LOL. No seriously I have realized this and i sometimes get really sad about it. Aside from the one sister in the lord that God divinely connected me to last year that I wrote a super long entry about at the beginning of this whole transition and my hubby I really have no friends that I can call chat it up and confide in. Oh I have TONS of associates and people that will talk to me or tolerate me but as far as friends that I can share everything with Nope I’m all by my lonesome. I didn’t realize how lonely this place was until recently. I actually ran into an old friend who was actually my first love back in the day. We’ve become really good friends over the years and he was always a good ear to have in times of talking. i’ve bumped into him recently and we talk but out of respect of my husband I just keep my distance. There is nothing there sexually or anything but just look at it from a spousal point of view I wouldn’t want him kicking it with his ex girlfriend so I’m not going to do that to him.  Besides I need sister friends with shoulders I can lean on and cry on in times with no judgement yanno? I prayed a prayer a couple of weeks ago to God to only allow people into my life that are real and not fake and that don’t want anything from me but friendship fellowship and love. I suppose this is the reason why I have no friends as of late LOL. But a woman prophesied to me that God was going to provide me with a confidant. At the time I had no idea what she was talking about but now I totally understand.
  • New Things – I have been writing. I mean writing like crazy. God told me to get a notebook. Not a journal a notebook and I thought he wanted me to write a book but lately I have been writing songs. My ride home from work is about a 25 minute commute and everyday God gives me a new song! I mean I hear the composition the melodies the harmonies all of that. Its kinda sad because I have no musicians anymore and I really wish I could play and instrument but I believe that if God is giving me this gift of hearing the entire composition and music with it He will bless me to play as well as put ministrels in my path to help it come to pass. Someone anointed my hands at a prophetic class that i took recently so I am just believing in faith that he’ll make that thing come to pass. Also with this venture into writing that God has given me he has also inspired me to write up a blueprint for whatever he is doing in me. I have a photo shoot to schedule. I will be going to the studio soon to meet with a producer. These are things that I wanted ROG to do so bad but no one wo

uld ever get it together enough where we could all be on the same page and get this thing done. it’s amazing how quickly things are already coming together for me. It has never been my intention to "go solo" and i made that clear to the group but whatever God does he will do and I ain’t complaining LOL.

  • Finances – My car will be paid off next month God willing! Hallelujah!  Bills are coming together finally I can see light at the end of the tunnel. I just hope it’s not a train coming at me LOL! At one point I was  so overwhelmed that I thought about moving into an apartment but thank God we didn’t do that things are coming together. I am better managing finances and allocating my funds so I see a very good year as far as stability praise God.
  • Weight – I have lost a total of 20 lbs this year and counting. Yo yoed back and forth for a while and I have been going to group sessions for a bootcamp workout that is really kicking my butt into shape. But I need more than 20 lbs in one year gone I understand that I didn’t put this weight on overnight it won’t come off over night and I have hypothyroid but some of it is just bad choices and emotional instability turning to food for comfort. And i cannot for the life of me understand why when I have a really good loss of weight why I have this overwhelming urge to eat it all back on. And I go out of control with it. Almost like a binge then I go into depression behind it. It’s a cycle that ends this year.
  • LOVE – This thing is being birthed in me in ways that I know will knock off the weight. God is really cracking open a very hard place in me with this. I will update later on this……
  • Sorry i don’t update as much anymore but this writing was very therapeutic for me I plan on doing more of this…… LOVE YOU!





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    hey doll I will have to read this more tomorow, can’t think straight tonight.

    February 17, 2011

    Hi sis, glad you are writing here again. will come back, too later. Miss ya…

    February 18, 2011

    Thanks sis miss you guys too. I need to write I will try to write ALOT on here.

    February 19, 2011

    I have come back to read here. Good to know what’s been happening with ya spiritually. Praying that the Lord will lead you to the church He wants you to be and the friends that you deserve. Come to think of it, I am blessed to have some friends who journey together with me spiritually and whom I could confide with.