Happy Friday and Labor day weekend!

Today I have more energy and I’m getting along alot better. My day is flowing.

My one contact that I was hanging on to gave out on me today and started irritating me so I took it out and everything is blurry today but I think I can make it till 5:00 today (that’s when i refill my contact prescription) .  With sun delays and my visor being  broken off of my driver side and forgetting my sunglasses plus an irritated right eye from a bothersome contact i thought I was going to either go blind or have a wreck coming to work lol. Thank God I made it. I had to pull over a couple of times lol.

We had bible study last night and only one of the little girls that was with the other two that stole my wallet came to church. I didn’t ask her about it and she needed a ride home last night so I gave her one but I made it absolutely clear that she nor her friends will ever sit in my front seat after last weeks fiasco. I really don’t think the one that came to church knew much about it, but the other two little girls were feeling guilty that’s why they didn’t come to church. I’m sure of that. And even in it all I have to really look at their lives and minister in all this. These little girls come to church faithfully on their own. not a parent in site. I thought they were orphans at first. But I see they are just wayward souls that need some love and attention. I will make it known that I know it was them but I won’t condemn them. They need love from somebody and if it takes me to give it to them whether it be tough or not I will give it. I forgave them in my heart as soon as it was apparent that they were the culprits,  but I will make it know that they WILL respect church and personal property.

Oh and for the record no I’m not pregnant (thank ya!),  and yes I am anemic but I thought I’d taken my medicine yesterday. I dunno. I’m just glad to have a little bit of energy left. One thing I have realized recently though is that my sleep has been wonderful. I mean like no tossing and turning all night and jumping up thinking one of my kids is calling me or getting up looking at the clock and turning back over or nightmares. I usually intercede when others are sleeping because of an unction of the Holy Ghost or if I can’t sleep I’ll intercede. I normally don’t sleep for long periods throughout the night. Lately I’ve been sleeping like a baby. Hmmmm I wonder if I should be worried about that or if God is giving me rest.

Well Daddy what does it mean? lol

Anyhoo Happy Happy Friday and I pray you all enjoy your labor day weekend!



~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


‘I grew up penecostal and I now attend an apostolic church, but I have long ago taken off the denominational boundaries. I’m sick of religion and tradition. I’m more concerned about relationship with God through Jesus Christ.’


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August 31, 2007

I am glad you are feeling better. Happy Friday and have a great Labor day weekend also. God bless you.

August 31, 2007

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so glad your feeling better, have fun this weekend, it will be nice to see huh?

I had to go bad and read your entry about finding your wallet. Somehow, I missed that entry. I always try to go back and read any that I miss but somehow that one escaped me. You are such a good person. My first instint would be to trottle those girls. I hope that you can help lead them onto the right path. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

August 31, 2007

hey. i havent noted in a while but i thought i’d say hello

August 31, 2007

glad i could help out. just keep befriending people and treat them like the gold they are. Pay it forward in your own way. Love ya!

September 1, 2007

I HATE my contacts! Im so horrible- theyre disposable and Ive been keeping these going for far too long than Id like to admit! RYN: If Im in Cincinnatti we sooo have to meet up! You inspire and encourage me far more than youll ever know. *HUGS* You are beautiful!

September 1, 2007

For all you know those girls could turn out to be great disciples of Jesus with you as their mentor. Praise God for your loving and caring heart.God bless… 🙂

September 2, 2007

i miss going to bible study. i need to start again.