Greatest Lesson that I have learned this year





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In letting go of the past which God has spoken so clearly to me, I misunderstood. I thought letting go of the past meant forgiving others of their wrongs toward me and forgiving myself then I could move on. But there was SOOOO much more to it than that. And for the life of me I couldn’t grasp the concept that EVERY single time a man or woman or even the Holy Spirit spoke to me to “let go of the past” why this subject even KEPT coming up.

I had some things and people that I had to forgive so every time I would hear the phrase “let go of the past” Or “Drop the weight of the past”. I kept thinking that meant I had to forgive them and move on so like a knee jerk reaction I would go to God in prayer repent for holding on to these people and the past and forgive them and then forgive myself.

What I was inadvertently doing was bringing the past BACK into my prayers every time I repented. I would regret the past and how I let others and things and situations get to me and the repent THUS bringing the past RIGHT back up into my mind my spirit my soul. And I was missing the point of “dropping” it.

Instead of forgiving and LETTING IT GO. I was forgiving, myself and others and then trying to war with the enemy for even bringing it up. When what I actually SHOULD’VE done was forgive, repent and get up and NEVER picked it back up again. If I repented and prayed and forgave why should I have to keep Forgiving, repenting, and praying for this thing? IT IS DONE! Even things that I’ve done in the past that I know hurt people. I would forgive myself then allow compassion to take me RIGHT back to that spot of guilt and yet I would wonder. WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP TELLING ME TO LET THE PAST GO?

In March-May of this year God declared to me that I the way that I love HIM I would have to Love PEOPLE. That was a hard pill to swallow cause when you allow yourself to love other people you risk the opportunity of being hurt, used, taken advantage of, and all other misconceptions.  I know how to be open and I know how to close you off or shut you down. That’s just me that’s just how I was.  Well in the process of that Journey to loving others I’ve learned A LOT. And the most powerful thing I learned from loving others is letting go of the fear of being hurt. Taking a RISK on love.  Instead of worrying “what if they hurt me” I had to say, “Lord I trust you because eve

n if they hurt me you can heal me and I don’t have to worry about it.“

So back to letting go of the past. I read a book called “When Heaven invades Earth” by Bill Hammon and I have FINALLY grasped some things about the supernatural and about the kingdom of God through the teachings leadings and the LIFE of Jesus Christ. If you really want to understand the Kingdom and WHY Jesus was so powerful in his human state, please get that book it’s powerful. But what this book has done has changed my mind set about a lot of things, along with other spiritual encounters that I have come into all year long.  But the lesson that I’ve learned is how to let it go and when I let it go I will NEVER pick it up again. No more worrying,  no more agonizing over a Word that the Lord used me to give to someone and whether they received the Word or not. It’s not MY WORD to agonize over anyway. I didn’t give it God did, I was just a messenger used at that moment and space of time. As long as I can keep this mindset that it’s never my Glory, or My Word,  or My Past to PICK UP, and agonize over it,   I know that not only will God be pleased but He will endue me with HIS dunamis (holy spirit abled power) to perform miracles signs and wonders in THIS age.  

As Jesus said throughout his WHOLE LIFE recorded here on the earth, “It is not my will,  but it is the Will of the Father, Him that sent me that is being done.”  

With that being said I have victory over my past FINALLY! I am so happy that I can look FORWARD to what God has in store for me, no longer looking BACK at the old but pressing TOWARD the mark of the high calling which is IN Jesus Christ.….The half has not even been told and I am so thankful and ready for what’s next in my life.  

Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:





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Well I will truly consider this book, it sounds like something I’d like to learn about. I’m so glad you’ve grown and gotten past some stuff. We all need that. Missing you being here on OD friend and hope to see you more in 2010 again.! Happy New Year

December 31, 2009

:o)I hope you have a Happy New Year!

January 1, 2010

Thanks for sharing your experience, sis. I am learning from this, too.

January 1, 2010

Very powerful message!

I like this entry! Have a blessed New Year!

January 7, 2010

RYN: I’m so happy to know you. She’s doing better. Thank you for all of your prayers!

I bought the large package and it came with 7 lbs of produce but you can’t pick the produce. The other things in the packages you can buy seperately or in the package. The produce is always fresh so they don’t know what it will be but it will be 7 different fruits and veggies 7lbs of it. lol There is 21 lbs of food total for $25 dollars.

this is through a program called share and Wisconsin has it’s own version of it so your state may as well. You order once a month and my pick up is at a church in town here once a month. It should slice some of my spending on groceries. *miss you*!

January 11, 2010

Yes, if He has forgiven the confessed past, and has put it into a sea of forgetfulness, what why do we keep going back to it? He has moved on, there may be consequences but grace and mercy will deal with due justice.