Going to the doctor

I have made this decision because I think I may be having some problems with my hypothyroid that i cannot control.

Last week I was down by 2.7 lbs this week I have gained 10 lbs. How you ask? I have absolutely no idea. I have been running and walking,  I have been eating extremely well. I weighed myself Last Saturday and Ai was close to 262-263 I weighed myself today and I am at 271.5. How is that possible? To gain close to 10 lbs within 2-3 days is impossible. I went to my doctor last week for my follow up bloodwork and was told that my doctor was overbooked and I would have to wait an hour before even being called back to be put in a room. I told them to cancel my appointment and reschedule. They tell me that she won’t be open again until July because she is super booked. I took me 2 months to get the appointment that I’d had last week and i had to cancel that!  So I ask what’s going on? I really need to have my blood work done and everytime I call I get the same ole sob story that I have to wait 2-3 months before I can be seen. So the patient greeter asks me when was the last time I had my bloodwork done and I tell her October. OCTOBER?!?!? I’m supposed to have my bloodwork checked every 3 months for my hypothyroid! So I suggest well since you all have my charts can I have another doctor do the follow up? She says ofcourse. Just give us a call and we can schedule you with another doctor. HELLO?!?! I’m standing in the doctors office why do I have to go home and THEN call back and make an appointment? Why can’t I speak to someone now and just make an appointment? Because everyone is booked and no one has time.

Okay so it’s time to find a new doctor and a new office to take my business too. This is ridiculous. Mind you I’m still in shock about the gain so I go to put on a shirt that I literally had on last week and it’s tight I mean like super super tight. I haave it on today and I can barely move. When I was 30 lbs lighter this shirt swallowed me so ofcourse I’m a little sad about this,  but seriously I think something is very wrong. My whole right side of my body has been feeling tingly all day and My whole right side of my head hurts. I swear I am at a loss as to what to do…..

Good news is that I get to work half a day this week and make up some much needed uninterrupted work this weekend so I can afford to schedule a doctors appointment. Now it’s just a matter of finding a good place and having my records transferred.

Normally I would have many excuses for the weight gain. Maybe it’s muscle because I am building muscle with all of the running, or maybe it’s water weight because I haven’t been drinking enough water. But it’s not either of those because I drink more than enough water and I haven’t been lifting any weights within the last 2-3 days shoot the last 2-3 months for that matter.  I honestly don’t know what’s going on and it bothers me. I am very aware of my body and changes and none of this looks good to me.


Please keep me lifted in prayer that I find a good doctor and get the help that I need. I can’t afford to go back up in weight it’s affecting me mentally and physically and this is not good. I have gain almost 40 lbs according to now on the scales over the past 3 months.






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May 8, 2007

i have a theory or two…were you weighing yourself at the same time of day? were you wearing different clothes? how full was your stomach and when was the last time you went to the bathroom (number 2). those are all things that could affect your weight. i know water weighs a lot…i always weigh myself first thing in the morning right before my shower and no clothes on. i figure that is my true weight. good luck finding a new doc.

Good luck finding a new Dr. Your current one is ridiculous!

May 8, 2007

I hope there’s something wrong with your weighing scale. My prayers are with you. Take care.

May 8, 2007

you definately need to get to a doctor, even if it means finding a new one. Be certain to take your temperature on a regular basis. Hypothyroidism causes low body temps that can lead to hypothermia and eventual death. If your body temp drops, head for the ER, okay?

May 8, 2007


May 8, 2007

i will kwwp you in my prayers. good luck finding a new doctor.