Gettin back into the flow of fitness


Today the scale revealed a horrific truth that I was trying to avoid. I have gained entirely too much weight. I know that this is a serious issue that really needs to be handled. I have hypothyroid so I know that it’s extremely hard for me to lose weight but my eating these past 3 months are not to be exempt. Actually I think I may have over extended myself on foods because lately my appetite is nowhere near the way it was over the holidays so that is actually a big help to me. I’ve been contemplating going back to WW. I haven’t been there in 3 years but I think when I was there it gave me some real accountability with Real people and I couldn’t fake it and get by and only post when I lost weight or make up a number to make myself and those that watch me feel good. There is REAL accountability. And that’s what I need. My only problem is that it’s a little too rich for my blood. And with my job situation being up in the air I just don’t know if now is the right time. But then I think about my health and my motivation and I know I really need to do this. For the past 2 years I’ve been going at losing weight alone and it’s worked pretty good but I know that I need a buddy IRL to push me and go at it with me and to be accountable to.

My dh tries but our schedules just don’t mesh like that and I’d rather have a sister girl that i can kick back with and talk about girl issues yanno. I can talk to Quincy about everything don’t get me wrong he’s my best friend.  But I don’t think he would make the cut as a weightloss buddy lol.

I have made the decision to go back to the vegetarian diet. I mean really red meat is sooooo overrated. When I was eating veg back  in September my body was Loving me for it. I found some really great recipes and i was much more active. When i introduced meat back into my diet I became sluggish. I will still eat eggs and cheese and dairy products but for the most part I am cutting out,  chicken,  turkey, beef,  and pork. Beef and pork are basically non-existant in my diet anyways. I also think that now I am lactose intolerant. Ice cream,  and milk does a serious number on my stomach nowadays. I cannot eat or drink dairy products without my stomach being really messed up and having gas pockets in my chest.

So although I have gained back more than a few pounds I am so much more intune with how my body responds to certain foods and I  am going to make the necessary changes to accomodate that.

I am also contemplating running a half mary in May. Here in Cincinnati we have the Flying Pig Marathon. It’s a really big event in the running world,  and now that I am running again more consistently this is something to look forward to and it’s something to keep me on track physically because I’d have to take up a training schedule and follow it. A half marathon is 13 miles. I run 4.55 miles atleast 4 days a week so I think I could do this if I really trained for it and prepared myself. If I don’t feel I can handle a 13 miler after training this month I’ll just bump it down to a 10k that will be hosted at the flying pig as well. 10K is 6.2 miles. I KNOW i can run that. I’ve actually run that far on a couple of my long weekend runs.

And running is something else that I need to consider in this sizable increase in my weight. I haven’t run since I got the news about my job. Just lost a little bit of motivation. In fact I haven’t done ANY form of exercise since hearing the news about my job. But I do want to be one of those ppl that exercise to work off stress instead of falling into the temptation to become a glutton. Stupid emotional eating will getcha everytime. But that is a thing of the past now.

I speak in faith that I WILL be in a size 14 by the summer. Now that’s only one dress size down from what I wear now so I believe it’s highly achievable and I expect to get even smaller than that but I also have to chime in and face reality which is I have hypothyroid,  and my 16’s are getting a little tight nowadays LOL.

Now that I’ve gotten all of this off of my chest and set some reasonable goals for myself it’s on the to the grind. Crunch time!




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I am right here with you sista girl! This is a year of ACCOMPLISHMENT…and I am so encouraged to know that God does exceedingly and abundantly above all we ask or think according to the power that worketh within us…so as we excel in the Spirit we will begin to soar in all areas of our life…don’t give up and rebuke discouragement!!! It’s already done anyway 🙂

January 4, 2007

I think I’m gonna do WW online again…..soon! LOL I also want to be one of those people who exercise to release stress…good luck to you ;o)

January 4, 2007

I’ve taken a 2(!) week leave of absence from exercising but I’ve got to get back on track starting tonight! I know you can do it…. so can I! 2007 is going to be a great year for both/all of us!

I’d die if I ran a 1/2 marathon. I am still impressed that you can run. I couldn’t run when I was a 115lb teenager!

ryn: well wednesday nite I passed like two pretty good sized clots that were thicker than most clots, so im not sure what that was, i saved it and took it with me when i went to the doc. they are still checking that out to see what it was.

I wish you great success! Have a good weekend!

January 5, 2007

Praise God for giving us the desire to set goals! You are in His hands, give it to Him and He will carry you! May you feel his presence and strength each and every day.. He is the key to success.

haha did u look at all the houses on that page yet. i think there are like 4 or 5. i just really like the first one lol.

You spoke it, just believe it and it shall be. I’m fighting to be at least 50 pounds smaller by June. I can’t spend another summer the way I was in 2006,. Stuck in the house with swollen feet and ankles.