Get up remix Tanisha bad girls club

I’m sorry yall but this is my guilty pleasure. I really only get a chance to watch two television shows and that’s Reba and Bad girls club. I know this is old but I was weak when I saw them make a remix out of it.

Okay lemme give a prelude to why this happened: The night before the party girls had some guys come over and got pretty loud and acting a fool although Tanisha and the hyena sisters asked them to please calm down or atleast take it somewhere in the house where they didn’t have to hear the noise. They didn’t so Tanisha got up singing this. It waqs then made into a remix lol.

Tanisha is my girl. I’m so glad I’m a good girl now but back in the day we woulda been cool. LOL. I love it! WOMP WOMP WOMP LMBO


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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LOL okie doke

February 6, 2008

That’s a work-out in of itself just ticking people off 😉

I watch this show too. It is too much!! I’m giving it up for Lent. Smooches…

I’ll have to watch this at home when I can listen to the sound.

February 7, 2008

It’s good to laugh…

too funny…despite the language

I’ve never even heard of this show. That clip was hilarious, I’m passing it on to my daughter

February 9, 2008

Hope the remainder of your week has been good and your weekend is full of blessings. God be with you.