Get on with it

Thank you so much guys for your words of encouragement and all the love that you give. I love you to life for it 🙂

I’m doing much  better. After prayer I went to sleep and had a crazy dream that caused me to wake up thanking God for my babies and keeping them safe. Also for angelic visitation I finally truly without a shadow of a doubt had an angelic encounter last night cool!! I had tried writing out this long entry about it earlier and the whole thing magically disappeared lol no really it did! Crazy right?!?

Work was rough. Putting out so many fires my head was spinning. And on top of that I was in complete consecration until about 6 pm no food or drink But God really sustained me through it all. I think I’m going through some caffeine withdrawals too I’ve had more headaches and muscle cramping than normal. Darn Coffee lol. I’ve been pop free for 2 weeks yay me!

just got back from practice and it was funny everything that coulda been outta wack was outta wack. I think it’s just jitters on everyones part but we are confident everything is gonna be alright so I’m happy about that.

4 days and counting time is going fast. I’m so not focused on work and wish I could just take off lol. But i have to wait until Friday. That’s my off day.


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)

Log in to write a note

ive been pop free for almost 2 weeks, i cheated yesterday, mom offered me one and i drank it lol. me and BF are attempting to go a month with no soda, as a kick start to eatin healthy. LOL, but oddly enough though i havent really been cravin soda since we started lol.

I wish we could hear you ladies sing

February 26, 2008

girl, please don’t talk to me about caffeine. Every since I could have some caffeine again, I’ve been drinking cappuccino (sp?) from my favorite store. Today is my second day w/o it. I’m trying to buckle back down since I no longer have an excuse to eat like crazy. My head is KILLING ME! It’s getting better, but the first day I felt like a crack head! LOL!

February 26, 2008

You are such a blessing to me. Thank you for standing in the gap. ¢¾ I am excited to see how ROG’s concert turns out ¢¾ I will definitely be praying for peace of mind the next couple of days!

RYN: thank you girlie, soo much. That really did help, it just gets hard sometimes you know.

RYN: you know i hadn’t thought of that, with your reply about private notes. A lot of people suddenly went FO, a couple of them i have to wonder why, but im not gonna bother, cause its no big deal anyway, it is their diary lol. But yeah, i may leave it as is. I made my left my diary public, but manually make my entries FO, that way if someone stops by my page, the can see my public entries, without the message sayin they cant see cause they arent FO, and to leave a note. seen that plenty of times lol.

i meant they went private notes, not FO lol. but yeah, hehe

February 26, 2008

Try a BC Headache powder with the headaches, worked for me when I went off the stuff LOL L.