Friends…..How many of us have them…




I was riding to work this morning with contemplating some things and talking to God. He is really dealing with me in this area of love and friendships.
This morning and all last night I have been really thinking about my view of friendship. I don’t think it’s healthy. I am a very possessive friend and I think once I see that loyalty is broken I tend to leave people alone and that is the reason that I don’t have many friends lol there are trust issues there. i discussed this with my husband last night. I have really been hurt by friends in the past. Never realized it until now. I am more apt to open up to my significant other or family (sometimes) than I am to a friend. I think I give so much as a friend and when I don’t receive that same energy I feel neglected and shut down the friendship and even have the audacity to get jealous when I find out that my bestie has other friends and I don’t get all of their attention in the same way that I give it. God is dealing with me and revealing things daily that I need to deal with. This whole love thing is working me.

Well I get to work and I get this email and had to lol.

SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns — 2/17/11:

Take the time and make the effort to be still so that you can discern all that I am revealing to you spiritually. Then, don’t ignore the revelation. There are things in your life that need to be dealt with from your heart so that you can rise to a new level in the understanding of how you are to function in My kingdom. Hear and obey, says the Lord.

Deuteronomy 13:4 You shall walk after the LORD your God and fear Him, and keep His commandments and obey His voice, and you shall serve Him and hold fast to Him.

Also I’ve noticed that I connect with men in friendships far faster than I do with women. Perfect example. I friend of mines in church met with and decided we would be friends somehow when we meet up and talk I end up discussing politics, spirituality, sports, and daily news and the conversation is engaging with myself my hubby and her hubby and she sits there quiet like she feels out of place. This has happened with at  least 3-4 of my friends. I don’t know if this is because I have been raised by a man that I connect better like that, I’m really not into gossip or what. I don’t know. As my mind works through these kinks I’ll be writing more about it though.

Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:



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Oh I am big on loyalty. Big! I think it is a way we (some) are wired. not jealous though. When you find a woman that has the same interests and such then there will be a mutual hit it off. hardly anyone I know likes politics or religion and I love talking about both. Too bad we were not in the same city gf!

February 19, 2011

I read this earlier and was pondering about what you have shared. Had been through a lot in human friendship, too. So much so that I am scared to be too close.