For the first time in a very long time……

On a Sunday I slept in til 11:00 AM!(I would usually get up at 6 cause I had to be at church by 8:30AM) whew felt good too. Got up and cooked breakfast for the family..scrambled eggs w/ cheese,  turkey sausage,  and oatmeal with brown sugar, butter and cinnamon in it. MMM MMM!

After we ate we chilled more. Then I went walking for about an hour in the neighborhood(which my knees and thighs still feel today lol),  and came home, took a shower changed clothes and started up dinner of penne pasta with veggies. it was so good. I cried alittle for my sunday school class cause those were my babies. But I will see them again, they are my cousins (majority of my class) so it’s not like I’ll never see them again.

I sent a message out to everyone letting them know Deac. Dawson and I will no longer be members of that church. My aunt was mad. She said her buddies are no longer there cause of the pastors selfishness. I told her we had to do what God said do, but I’m keepin her lifted.

This Sunday coming up is our 6 yr anniversary and we’re trying to figure out how to get away and celebrate without breaking the bank. So i suggested getting an hotel room downtown on the river in a plush hotel, going to a couple museum’s or catching a play or a game downtown and going to a movie or something, and either getting a horse drawn buggy ride or taking a B&B riverboats ride. We always go out of town and never explore our own downtown so I think we might try that and save some money.

I talked to my oldest daughter yesterday I’m so proud of her! She purchased her very first car and is excited about it. a Ford Contour. She said school is going good. After she finishes this year she may try to transfer to Ohio U. She is in a nursing program but I think her sights are set on becoming a doctor. We shall see. I told her the sky is the limit and to go for it and whatever she chooses to do I support her. Man time is flying she is really growing up. Her daddy is sooo proud of her. Big Q can’t even contain himself. He had to sacrifice his life and all he did when she was born,  including dropping out of school to get a job and support her mother. And all that hard work is paying off. She said she can’t wait to come up and visit us now that she has her car, We’re gonna get a pullout couch for the office and set it up as her room if and when she ever decides to come over and stay the night and/or if she ever wants tio move in. 

let’s see….. what else.

Oh yeah! Last nght ROG has practice for a praise and worship event we have to sing for last night and it was like a reunion we could barely get through the songs without crying it was very emotional yet stirring. Ever since the elder and his wife left our old church to start their ministry and one member was sat down Praise and Worship just wasn’t the same and we really longed for that. Man it all came back together last night and was such a wonderful time in the Lord. 

Saturday we sung at a Ceasefire event and it was so fruitful there were people coming up to us asking what church we went to because they were really going through transistions in their lives and knew they needed God in their lives,  we could only direct them to great churches that we knew of in the neighborhood but that was what it was all about. souls. not showmanship,  not publicity but about ministering to souls for the Kingdom of God. So awesome! ANd one of Cincinnati’s most noteable booking agents walked up to our manager and said he wanted to book us for some things invovling a couple of gospel celebs he has coming into town. Like opening up for them. WOW! Talk about God opening doors! We found some new musician friends along the way as well. 

Okay umm I think that’s it. Until next time.  


Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:



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I had to laugh at you sleeping in till 11. Those are far and few in between arent’t they? What a gem of a morning. Oh, anniversary! how nice congrats. That’s exciting about ROG, do you have any cd’s available yet? A doctor in the family *great*. Sounds like things are well! TYJ

September 30, 2008

Ha! I cracked up about you sleeping in too. Before I left church we had to be there at 7:45am for opening up and all that. The first Sunday I slept in was like heaven! I wish I could have come over for breakfast… I wish you guys well on the booking events! How exciting!

October 1, 2008

Turkey sausage? Wife’s waking up, gotta ask her about that … Oh here she comes now… Yes she knows about that, and turkey bacon too. Her mother used to make those. Gonna get some, now you’re making me hungry.

October 1, 2008

Now I’m understanding ROG is a separate ministry from Church. I have to get your CD.

Happy Anniversary!