Facing that same ole thang again

Yall know it. Let’s say it together


I’ve gained so much I’m only 7 lbs away from my Highest weight again…..

So I’m not gon cry or even allow myself to get into a pit. It’ s just time to pick up the pieces. GOt too much in store to be worried about my weight so I’m gonna keep on trucking.

The background that I have for my new layout is a beautiful walking trail in my new neighborhood. Guess who’ll be hitting that baby up?!? lol

I am having a really HARD time waking up in the mornings early enough to get in gear and get a quick workout in. Don’t know why. Maybe it’s the weight? Anyway I’m going for a walk when I get off and I’m making myself drink more water.

Spiritually I’m in a state of preparation. Had some things happen in church that had I not been in the right place spiritually would’ve knocked me off of my feet plumb down on my booty. But God says I know the plans that I have for you. To prosper you and not harm you. And I’m just trusting him 200% of the way. I thank God for the warning signs and being in a place to hear/see/ discern them. Thank you Jesus!

Oh and Auntie is still smoke free!!! I’m so proud of her. Uncle had to get surgery this weekend and he’s in alot of pain so please keep him lifted.

You all are encouraging to me ya know that right? Love yall!


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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I so understand about the weight issue. I am at the same place. Was able to drop 7.5 pounds from the highest over the past month. But my knees are hurting so badly especially when I do cardio.

You can do it! Smooches…

yeah u can do it, I need to be doing something for myself to stay in shape an all. i need to stop bein lazy lol

January 7, 2008

good luck. i’m rootin for you.

RYN: aww thanks hehe, i soo love decorating my diary from time to time, especially for the holidays lol. And R was all apologetic for how he acted later, and said he was embarrased. He offered to wash my dishes lol, and i let him.

I feel you on the weight. I am a 1/2 lb lighter than my highest weight which was last Jan. So frustrating. We can do it though! You background is beautiful. It looks like a great place for a walk. I hope your uncle is doing better soon.

January 7, 2008

You can do it Nikki… I’ll be praying for you…

January 7, 2008

Give yourself time. Now that you are settling in your new home, things should be back to normal soon for ya. Btw, lovely house!

January 7, 2008

Hang in there hun.. well do this together!

January 8, 2008

Life is a walk and sometimes we all have to stop and take stock of what is going on. It’s like spring cleaning you hate it you dread it but in the end the results are worth it. L.

January 8, 2008