
It’s funny because I’ve been doing it all along yet my scale refuses to comply. I can feel the difference (on some days) in my clothes as well and I’ve been using my clothing tape measure and I’ve lost about an inch or so (on some days).

I know the root of all of this is my eating. Memorial day was a disaster!!!!!! I KNOW i gained 10 lbs and I’m not exaggerating my body really does fluctuate in the 10 lb category. So now I’m on the Disaster Recovery path. When I was doing WW all was going well unless I didn’t have time to plan and ended up eating out. Gripes! That ended up being more so the issue as of late. With the kids being in track and Quincuy not getting home until 8pm at night I don’t like serving cold or microwaved dinner so i would try to make it fresh and hot for everyone but then that’s some late eating which leads to laziness. Yeah yeah excuses excuses right?

AND somehow I stopped drinking water AGAIN! What is my deal?!?! *kicking myself* Well like I said my workouts have been faithful it’s the eating that’s the problem so I think I need to plan and set goals again. So i think my goal for this week is to drink WATER ASAP. NO pop absolutely NONE. ANd my plan is also to start planning again.

Usually every year no matter how well I do with my weightloss memorial day seems to be the day that it all goes down hill. Seriously,  like in 2006 when I’d gotten down to 80 lbs lost it was like that memorial day barbeque reversed all of my hard work and I became an all-consuming monster. Well this year is gonna be different and I vow to workout all summer (never could keep this promise). Besides I’ll be 30 in 1.5 months I mean come on I have to ring in my birthday atleast COMFORTABLY fitting an standard sized 18. And when i standard sized i don’t mean Ashley stewart/Lane Bryant sizes because theirs aren’t really standard. They make sizes bigger than they really are then put the smaller tag on it or the material is so stretchy that you could fit the size 2 sizes smaller than you in those kind of specialty stores. But I mean standardized 18 AS in CHEAP clothing sized 18’s. like walmart,  or rainbow,  or Learners New York sized 18’s.  

You girls are kicking so much butt in the weight department I’m so proud of all of yall in the struggle cause y our winning and inspiring me. We have an engagement to sing at Friday and had to go shopping for dresses and I pulled out an 18 even though I’m comfortably back into a 22 UGH. And the material was stretchy but the 18 fit. It wasn’t  too tight or forced or anything. So the working out is paying off a bit but i dunno.

I’m also on a foundation strike. I’m gonna lay off of it and go commando with no makeup for as long as I can and try my best to nuture my skin. My skin is HORRIBLE. I mean the acne has been a problem all my life though it’s not majorly pizza faceish or anything. It’s actually an inherited curse from my mom and dad lol. But seriously I’ m working on getting this skin back together. And I guess that day I was getting all of the attention I must’ve had a natural glow cause I had no makeup on that day either. Not even lipgloss lol.


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~

Proverbs 25:28



There are so many people searching for truth, searching to find God and understand. Unfortunately, most of them want to know how to find peace while living in sin. They don’t want to give up their lifestyle(repentance). They want to feel good about themselves and convince themselves that God is happy with them the way they are. The "new age" preachers have come up with a formula — simply redefine God. As if we are here to just hang out and do what pleases us.


This is a time of separating the wheat from the chaff. Everyone will have to take a stand on one side or the other. It’s all a part of the process of the Second Coming. I pray that Christians everywhere will not fall prey to these deceiving doctrines. ~ Starting Over (od member)



~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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Good job on the working out. Sometimes that’s harder than the healthy eating. You and I are about the same size. I can wear anything from an 18 – 22 depending on the brand. I did horrible for the weekend too. Holidays are horrible. Actually, Summer is my worst season for dieting. Too many open houses, bbqs and parties. ryn: LOL, I’m not telling Jack’s and my hair secrets;)

I know what a struggle it can be, I am finding it harder and harder to say no and stop but have been doing it some. I’m just realizing what a problem it is. I used to have huge will power now I think I’m entitled or something. It’s awful. I need to get walking again too.

one side effect of working out even if you are overeating…is that your muscles are firmer and your body is more toned so that even at a same weight (that you were when you were not working out) you can wear clothes better because you are firm.

I had really bad skin until 3 things: 1) I started drinking water exclusively 2) I started washing my face religiously with a cleaning system (cleanser, toner, moisturizer…I have oily skin so I would skip the moisturizer…WRONG) 3) I started using a lighter makeup in the hotter months, Bare Minerals. Keep up the good work. Smooches…

May 28, 2008

Staying away from fruit drinks, coffee, & pop are huge ways to keep my level on blood sugar stuff. Also caffiene drinks have some kind of sugar in them, thus making you crave more foods. Meaning you get hungry. Half the battle honestly with weight is not drinking “covenient” beverages. Go water. Seriously you’ll even feel better.

May 29, 2008

Water… yes more water. Thanks for the reminder and also the Bible verse. Have a blessed day.

May 29, 2008

I know it’s hard to diet but stay in a possitive mind and it will all work out. Have you tried to fast? I did that and asked the lord to help me. That works also. drink alot of water that works too.